Monday, April 26, 2010

A visit with the Aussies

Happy Tuesday all! To start off, I have a little house blog cleaning to do. I've decided to preserve some anonymity and change our names. With the nature of my husband's job, I thought it would help me rest easier at night if names were removed for the most part. Which means that I have some introductions to get on with, don't I?

Ahem. Is this mike on? Introducing, for the first time....

Captain J

and Mrs. K

Mrs. K and Captain J (isn't it cute how it rhymes?)

Yeah, yeah...these photos are sorta old, but I don't think I've shared them before. They're all from our trip to New Zealand back in October/November 2009. That post can be found here.

Why am I thinking of Kiwi's and the gorgeous views NZ has to offer? Well, that's a very good question. I will answer that in enlightening you a little more about this past weekend. Captain J, Drifter, and I went on a short stroll through the woods to a nearby lake that is still frozen over. Upon arrival, I hear a shout out from around the bend, "Do you want to share our lake?" We looked up to see an older couple walking hand in hand on the ice formed lake path.

As they drew nearer, Drifter was growing anxious and excited. New friends! Tail wagging, he pulls the leash and me a few steps just to get a closer look at his new company. Before I knew it, he was paws up on some poor guy's sweater vest. Bad dog!

Anyway, this couple was from Australia. (*Gasp, did she just compare Aussies with Kiwi's?) I know New Zealanders tend to get annoyed when they're confused with Australians so I'll just say that meeting them reminded me of our trip down under. These people were well traveled, interesting, intelligent, and fun individuals who Captain J and I stood around to talk to for quite some time. They were visiting Alaska in order to learn to dog mush. The lady said something that really rang true for us: "We may always be poor, but we'll always have these memories." That's what Captain J and I want in our lives...not necessarily being lacking in the funds department, but we want those memories. We'll choose travel, memorable stories, and good times over an extra car or other toys any ole day!

We immediately came home and started our official vacation fund.

It was refreshing to have met them and to find out that we had so much in common with them. The wife termed herself as a military brat. She told us stories of growing up with her dad who served in the Australian Military. The husband told us his dad served in the U.S. Air Force for years. Their families now reside south of the Mason Dixon Line (greatest place on earth! hehe) and welcome them to visit any time they please. They've been to countless countries and states and they seemed to carry their joy in life with them each step of the way. Each new adventure offered an opportunity to learn something different and meet someone new...even if those new people had an overly excited Alaskan Husky puppy on their hands ;)

(P.S. If you've added my link on your website, please make the name change for me if applicable. Thanks, guys. You rock!)


janjan said...

Mrs K. & captain J really sounds cute! pretty couple.

carissa said...

Love yall's new names and your pics!! I really hope yall get a chance to go to Australia so I can live vicariously through your posts. I love your new friends, they sound great and full of stories! I also compare the Aussies to the Kiwis, though mostly because of Flight of the Conchords!

chancesimtaking said...

such cute names! J has wanted me to change over names for the past month and I have stalled thus far. I'll probably make the change if/when I switch to wordpress.


sarah said...

coming out of the corner to say hello! and couldn't quite figure out how to subscribe via blogger (?) love reading your posts tho and mrs. k and captain j are super cute!

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