Friday, December 3, 2010

"Mommy Dearest"

Hi y'all! It's December 3rd, which means it was Grand Canyon day for Captain J and me...but more importantly, it's my dear mom's birthday :) In honor of her day, I thought I'd tell you about the day when I realized (for the gazillionth time) I'd like to be a lot more like her...

It was orientation weekend at Tennessee Tech University.  On this particular day, I suppose the school decided we should have one last activity before we began college that took us back to the days of kindergarten because they gathered us all up into two large circles- one for the parents and one for the soon-to-be students, making me feel like a child. We were encouraged to get to know each other while we answered odd questions like, "What do you plan on studying?" Psh. 'Wish I knew', I thought to myself. I began to get nervous about my mini public speaking requirement that was quickly approaching when I looked over to the other large group of parents, desperately wanting my Mommy. She was easy to find among the group. While I was standing alone hoping someone might chat me up so I didn't feel like a total loser, my bubbly mother was already laughing and socializing with a large part of her group. Oh, to be more like her!

I still find myself thinking that thought quite a bit in my adult life. My mom has such a sweet, caring, calming presence and I know God blessed me all those years ago when He made her my mother. So when I saved her name in my phone as "Mommy Dearest", I meant it in the best possible way. Later she told me the real story behind that term. Whoops!

Love you, Mom. See you in, I dunno, about 3 days?! Yipee! Happy Birthday!



Kristine said...

This is a beautiful post. You are certainly just as pretty as your Mommy. :)

Kristine said...

Happy Birthday Mrs. K's Mommy! :)

Mrs. K said...

You are too sweet, Kristine! Thank you :) As far as the scarf goes, that was my very first one I've ever made. I'd be too embarrassed to make some for other people just yet b/c I definitely have some tweaking to do. I'd be happy to make you one, though...after a little practice!

kimbodarlin said...

Well...I didn't see this until this morning and you made me cry! I love you and Mommy Dearest can't wait for you to be home!!!

Linda said...

This was the best post ever.....I know your Mama loved it (probably cried just a bit when she read it). You are your Mama's daughter and your posts prove it. You are such a lovely young lady. I love your website.

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