Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jolly, Jolly Christmas

How was your Christmas? Mine was wonderful- one of the best. I feel so blessed to have a husband who is good to me and our baby on the way. What more could I want? Nothing, but I sure did get a lot of other cool stuff, too...

Christmas Eve was spent at my mother's house with my step-dad's side of the family. We drove in from GA on this day so I was very tired, but excited to see all those who I hadn't seen in awhile. Christmas was extra special this year because it marked the end of our time in Alaska thus the end of being away from family on major holidays (for awhile anyway). My mom decorated our house, as she always does, down to the very special touches. The tables were set with holiday plates, the candles were lit, Otis Redding was singing, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...", and the rooms were waiting to be filled with the excitement and chatter that only this time of the year brings. We got to meet baby Rackley; he has the cutest smile! I was happy imagining that next year we would have a little one about his size and that our little baby would always have a cousin to play with.

Captain J and I woke up Christmas morning and Santa had made his rounds in Loudon, Tennessee. After digging into those gifts, we drove to Mimi and Papaw's for breakfast. Eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits and gravy, pork chop, and much more was waiting for us. Let the eating begin!

Afterward, we made a few other visiting stops and I went home to settle in for a long winter's nap. This baby growing business is tiring!

Then we went to my dad's place to have dinner with family and friends and play a board game. I'm so glad to be visiting with everyone and catching up on all the time we've missed together. Now, we're celebrating with Captain J's family. We're calling it Christmas #3 and it's just as festive! It feels like Christmas Day here. There has been much present opening, more eating, and fun socializing. I'm so glad to be home!


Alyson said...

Wow, I didn't even know you were pregnant!! I haven't been on Facebook in forever and I am very out of touch. Congratulations!! I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what you were up to. If you are going to be in TN for a little bit we definitely need to get together.

Jenn said...

I'm glad that you got to spend Christmas with your family this year!

Mrs. S. said...

Yay for fabulous Christmas!!

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