Monday, January 10, 2011

On Moving

It's Military Monday again! It's an interesting one, too because my soldier actually has the day off. His very first official day of MCCC was postponed due to the declared "state of emergency" that Georgia is in right now. That's right, folks. Snow day on day numbero uno in Georgia! I swear, I believe we brought some snow with us because the south hasn't seen this much snow in many, many years.

Today, I wanted to write about something that has been on my mind the past couple days- something you probably already know to be true. Here it is: Moving is hard. There, I said it. You all know I'm a pansy now.

I couldn't wait to get to Alaska when I moved there to be with Captain J. He wasn't even home from deployment yet, but I was excited about our lives together and the adventure we would find in AK. Fast forward to November 2010- I was ready to leave; I was happy about being closer to home. Many packed and unpacked boxes later, we're finally here but I'm missing Alaska more than I thought I could. I wouldn't trade my experiences there for the world. I learned so much about myself, about being in a relationship, about starting over, and about making new friends that I will always hold that time in our lives very near and dear to my heart.

Now, I suppose I must take what I learned there and apply it to life here in Georgia. I can't complain. Everyone is so nice here; the southern hospitality has warmed my heart. I just miss my friends back in the Great White North and I feel as if I might not see them again. :( How's that for dramatic?

note: some dear friends are not pictured here

Last night, Captain J and I had a chili dinner with our neighbors and had a really nice time. I know we're going to like it here, but the adjustment phase is still upon us. This is just another reason why the military life can be quite difficult at times. Saying goodbye is never fun...and never ending in this lifestyle.

Want to share your experiences with the military on your blog today? Head on over to and link up!



Candace @Army Wives' Lives said...


Yes, it is hard. I know you'll be fine but it is okay to indulge in a little pity party for a night or two.

Jenn said...

It is very hard to me to pick up and move my life around but I idk if it will get easier or harder for out first "official" move as a married couple. I do NOT think your a pansy at all! It's an adjustment and they take some time to get used to.

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