Wednesday, January 26, 2011!

Caution: Do not read if pregnant bellies gross you out. ;)

This week has been, well, terribly uncomfortable. Monday I felt blah, Tuesday I was extremely tired, and today I am pukey. I'm sorry for sharing. I'm just a little concerned. See, I made it to the 11 Week mark, but my baby bump is noticeably smaller than last week. I've been having a hard time eating. I feel as if I eat all the time, but I'm never craving anything so it's a chore to do so. I've also lost weight. I don't know if this is normal, but it's freaking me out. Next Wednesday (my appointment) can't come soon enough.

Women's Healthcare Topics says this about Week 11:
Up until 11 weeks pregnant, you could see right through your baby's skin. Your baby's skin will remain paper thin, but soon it will become a multi-layered membrane and lose much of its transparency. By this point in time, your little one should be able to open and close his or her fists, and little buds are forming in his or her mouththat will eventually develop into teeth!

By pregnancy 11 weeks, your baby's fingers and toes have lost their amphibious-like resemblance, now they are separated instead of webbed. Your little one is taking advantage of the huge space she is floating in by kicking and squirming about. In the next three weeks, your baby will go through a tremendous growth spurt, almost doubling in size. At no other time in your baby's life will she undergo as many rapid changes as are occurring during this stage of your pregnancy.

Any mothers out there that experienced weight loss at the end of the 1st trimester?


- signed Worried Mama


Jenn said...

I'm not a momma but if your that concerned I would put in a call to the doctor or talk to their nurse about it.

kimbodarlin said...

Yes, mam! I was down 15 lbs at 12 weeks when I was pregnant with Paige......try not to will gain it back (and then some...) :)

Mama P said...

Try not to worry. You not eating easily explains the weight loss. Mom's right, I was up then down for the first few months with all 3 of mine then after month 4 or 5 its a steady increase from there! Love you!

Alyson said...

Hey Kace, I never really experienced morning sickness when I was pregnant, but my sister pretty much threw up for 3 or 4 months straight. I'm talking like every hour for months. She lost like 15 pounds and only gained about 10 back for her entire pregnancy. She hated being around food and had to force herself to eat. The doctor assured her that it was fine and she ended up giving birth to a 9 pound 11 ounce very healthy baby. I'm sure everything is fine with your pregnancy and I hope her story reassures you some. Losing weight during the first trimester is normal and it might be a couple of weeks yet before you really start feeling better (if at all, sorry but it's true :) )

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Any concern warrants a call to the doc. But, with that said - you're growing a baby and burn calories doing so. If you're not hungry and have little appetite, you're losing weight because you're burning more than you're ingesting. Losing weight in first trimester happens, it's not unheard of, but I would definitely call the doc anyway. *hugs*

Allyson Frazier said...

If you have a decent OB he/she will see you if you are alarmed! I have called mine before (it doesn't hurt to cry a little lol) and said, "I just feel weird today! I feel like something is wrong!!!" And they will see me and assure me that everything is, in fact, fine. Did they check your progesterone levels last visit? Mine were low the last two pregnancies and it made me SOOO sick, tired, and nauseated until I got a supplement. I also lost quite a bit of weight until I got it regulated. So far with this pregnancy I have lost about 15 lbs and I had to take supplemental progesterone until 12 weeks (at which point the placenta takes over progesterone production). If they didn't check it last time I would ask for it this time. Also, if your iron levels are low it can make you sick, nauseated, and extremely fatigued. If they drew blood last visit they probably checked both and would have let you know if any levels were low. I would call and squeeze out some tears and see if you can get in earlier if it is causing you stress. All they can say is no! Trust me, I know what it is like to panic. After losing one I spent the first 12 weeks afraid to move in sheer fear. It wasn't until I started feeling her move regularly that I was able to relax a bit.

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