Thursday, January 13, 2011

unfortunate events and good news

Perhaps I should start writing about unfortunate events in my life more often. The two busiest days on this blog occurred when I told you about the icky hives on my anniversary and the missed doc appointment yesterday. Instead of focusing on the thought that you guys might like to read about my suffering, I'm going to fill up my optimism glass a bit more and say thank you all very much for your concern. Your comments, emails, texts, and messages mean a lot to me. Thanks a bunch!

I got to go in today, but not long enough to hear the baby's heartbeat. We made an appointment in a couple of weeks for that. I was a little disappointed, but I felt better after at least being able to talk to some medical professionals. I was so thankful that they would even see me since it was just a walk-in appointment. They were very understanding about the getting on post fiasco so I didn't feel too awfully bad for wasting their time yesterday as they didn't seem to mind. After tons of questions, being poked and prodded, and all that fun stuff, I was told that I'm further along than I thought! Good. :)

How was your day?


carolina said...

You remeber what my nephew has and that I may pass it to a
son, if i had one, so when I first found out that I was pregnant I
was totally scared, worried I had possibly passed that disease to a
son. So I am not ashamed to say that I thought of possibly having
an abortion if I was indeed carrying a boy. First when I took my at
home test and saw that it was positive I assumed I was only like 3
weeks. So about a week later when I had my appointment I was
shocked to learn I was in fact 3 MONTHS! Which also meant I got to
hear a heart beat. When I heard it it was the most amazing thing
ever. I started to cry and realized in that moment that GOD has
blessed me with a baby, and no matter the sex and possible (Hunter
Syndrome) I could be passing along. I knew at that moment I would
have that baby and take care of him/her no matter. I mean her
Rachel is the strongest person I know, I dont know how she does it.
Anyways I am supper happy to have baby Jadikah and I wrote this to
empathize(spelling ?) with you and know what it means to hear a
heart beat. Not that this is not the case already, but hearing it
makes all the sickness your feeling obviously worth it. I pray for
you and your baby everyday and I am so happy for you.I have know
you since what 1st grade and I could not imagine a better mother
than you Kacy my dear. I love you!

Jenn said...

I'm totally glad that you got to go in and they saw you!

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