Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Over the weekend-

I love four day weekends! Captain J had Friday-Monday off of work so I had him all to myself. We had plans to go on adventures this weekend but that just didn't happen. In fact, there was one day, spent in its entirety, in our robes! I don't regret it. I haven't exactly felt like hiking a couple miles to see anything except maybe a fully stocked refrigerator. Speaking of, I took a 10 week photo and I can't believe how huge I look. Aren't most people NOT showing much at this point? I can still hide my belly with loose fitting shirts, but I find (especially at night) that my baby bump is pretty prominent (See below!). Lately, I haven't been feeling well at night. I'm clinging to the old saying, "It'll get worse before it gets better." The nighttime sickness is the "worst" part and in a few short weeks, I'll be magically cured, rested, and full of energy. Right? ;)

Yesterday, I was really craving sweets so I whipped up some of The Pioneer Woman's cobbler. It was so tasty and easy! The best part is, you'll probably only need to buy fruit. It's likely you already have the other ingredients required. I was especially proud to create a successful cobbler because last time I attempted it, I ended up with fruit floating in butter! J was not impressed. Turns out, self rising flour is key. All purpose flour doesn't work despite the deceiving name! :) Check out that recipe here (I used strawberry halves, raspberries, and blackberries instead). Captain J enjoyed it much more this time and actually ate more than I did. He's not a sweets person so I'll file this under "keeper".

Perhaps the picture above contributes to the first picture? Nah! I just had a tiny bit. I've been trying to eat healthy for baby. The things I miss the most are sushi, herbal teas, deli meats, and coffee- not together, of course. Want to know what's going on inside at week 10? I'm stealing this from the cute, soon-to-be Mom, Shannon:

Size of Baby:  1 1/2 inches- about the size of a prune

Total Weight Gain: 5 lbs- seems like too much but the nurse tells me to eat more!

Maternity Clothes: Not yet.

Gender: Everyone on my side seems to think Baby is a girl. I have no idea!

Sleep: As my belly grows, I'm feeling more and more uncomfortable at night. I just ordered a pregnancy pillow today so hopefully that will help. I get good sleep when I finally am able to drift off, but that usually takes awhile now because I'm usually feeling bad. Then there's the unloading of the bladder every five minutes!

What I miss: Feeling like a person. I feel so bad throughout most of the day that I don't feel productive..EVER. I also miss feeling pretty. I'm still trying to get used to this big belly and I try to remind myself that this is good for the baby and the doctor will tell me if I'm gaining too much!

Cravings: I don't crave much. Typically, nothing sounds good- I just want to eat because I know if I don't, I'll feel even worse.

Symptoms: bloating, nausea, heartburn, and oh-so excited to see Baby

Next Appointment: February 2

What to Expect When You're Expecting says this:

"...The elbows on baby's arms are already working. Tiny buds of baby teeth are forming under the gums. Further down, the stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine, and, if your baby's a boy, his testes are producing testosterone..."


bjlonsford said...

aww you look adorable!!!

Mrs. K said...

thanks. I feel like a cow. lol

Beth Makowski said...

I STILL say that it is absolutley insane that we are SO close. I go back the 3rd :) I hope you get to take some ultrasound pictures home with you this time. It makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one who has "the bump" now. I also can't sleep so great at night. I keep reading ahead in my book looking for the time when they say...YOU SHOULD BE FEELING LIKE A HUMAN AGAIN SOON!! lol

Mrs. K said...

you and me both. Hopefully, that is coming soon. You're def not the only one with a bump. I'm a part of an online forum and I made ppl send me their 9-10ish week pictures to make sure I wasn't a total freak. I psyche myself out sometimes thinking it's twins! haha

Jenn said...

Aww You look so cute! That cobbler sounds yummy and I'm going to have to try it. oh you are not a freak for showing early... Many of my friends showed very early on.

Laura Weigle said...

Thank you so much for a very informative blog , it is so neat to hear what Peanut looks like ( or should i say prune?) What can I make you, to bring this weekend to stimulate the ole appetite? Homemade choco chippers?? Looking forward to seeing you both this weekend. Don't worry about entertaining me , I just need to rest too after this week! Love Ya Laura

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