Saturday, September 8, 2012

The One Where I Answer Your Questions

Welcome to another edition of Ask Mrs. K! I really appreciate you all sending me questions to answer (providing blog material), awards, and overall just keeping it real. The first cluster of questions are courtesy of Alyssa James and the Liebster Blog Nomination (How cute is her family?)  she so graciously bestowed upon me-

1. What's one major life event that you wish you could relive just once? The day I graduated from college was a lovely day. I think I would relive it because it might spark something in me to work toward something again. I felt so proud of myself that day thanks to the love and support from my friends and family. I felt special- like I finally completed something important. That feeling should be experienced every so often just as a reminder of how far one has come and how far one has the potential to go.
2. Who do you consider to be the most influential family member in your life? I was blessed with a big family with very few crazies in it and so many of them make an impact on my every day whether they are aware or not. I've learned so much from a lot of them.
3. If you could only make/eat one meal for an entire week, what would it be? Pasta. Something easy to make and equally delicious to eat.
4. What's your most favorite Pinterest find to date? Impossible question! I use it on the daily. Recipes, crafts, sewing patterns, laughs. How about I share with you my latest project?
5. What's your dream car? It would be awesome to have an old school corvette one day.
6. What bill do you dread paying the most? AT&T, I guess. Our bill is always absolutely ridiculous.
7. Do you remember your first cell phone? Describe. Yes, I think it was one of those little Nokia ones that had all the different personalizations like colorful covers and buttons you could switch out. I think I soon switched the boring color it came with to pink and turquoise.
8.What is one "must have" in your dream home? A big, huge bathtub with hot water that won't turn cold when it's filled to the brim! Our bath tub here is lame. It's normal sized, but we have what my family likes to call an "Al Gore Water System"- water trickles out and doesn't stay hot enough for long. Not cool.
9. What is your favorite blog that does NOT qualify for the Liebster Award? Oh, I don't know. Most of my favorite blogs have less followers because those are the people who respond to comments and keep up with me, too. I blog to connect with others- not to make a ton of money- although that would be nice!
10. Name your biggest guilty pleasure. Chocolate.
11. What are the top three things on your bucket list? Publish my book. Travel the world. Appreciate life.

Brit nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I was instructed to list 7 Random Facts about moi! I'll try to make them interesting, but no promises:

1. I was on the tennis team in HS.
2. I can talk like Marvin the Martian.
3. I never thought I'd consider this a compliment (which I heard yesterday): "Your belly is so pretty. No stretch marks!"
4. More than anything else right now, I want a shower. Alone. No small children crawling over to visit. I don't ask for much.
5. I first started blogging on MySpace.
6. (See number two) I originally spelled martian this way- "marshan" Ha.
7. Kid is yelling, must go tend to him.

Because I've received these awards before, I'm not going to tag people again. If you'd like this award for yourself, please do accept this nomination!
If you have any questions for me, feel free to leave them as a comment and I'll get to them eventually. Thanks for reading. Bye for now. And happy, happy weekend!


Becca said...

We have that kind of bathtub too! It's like half of a standard size tub, and I am 99% sure it is plastic, not ceramic, and a trickle of water comes out. So weird. I don't think people these days are into baths anymore. And I know I am not getting taller!

Karen said...

I would LOVE a bathtub like that too. That would be sooooo amazing :)

Jenn said...

If such a tub ever existed I would purchase one in a heartbeat! Ours slowly leaks out and doesnt stay warm for more than 15 minutes. I have picked up one of those silicone drain covers. We found it at target. Its flat and helps with the slow leaking.

I have two questions. What is the pinterest project you are most wanting to do? What is your favorite pinterest project to date?

Nina said...

AT&T ..... you and me, both. I try to use skype and whatnot to call my folks overseas but sometimes I am not in a place for Skype, and then just call from the cell. And their international rates are ridiculously expensive. Sigh!

Kristin said...

I hope you tended to your child. I saw a pin once that said, "My mom used to bake me cookies, but now she blogs and I pretty much raise myself".

Anyway, I liked learning more about you! :) I agree with the blog/less followers/more connections thing. I like people who write back!

Fran said...

haha your compliment fact made me laugh :)

AlanaMarie said...

I am so far behind on reading my blogs I didn't even know you are already nominated for this one in the last few days, Oh well. And OMG I love pasta!

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