Saturday, September 22, 2012

Bumpdate: 29 Weeks

Happy Fall, y'all! I can't remember the last time I updated you on Baby A and since my ugly, mean pregnancy symptoms are fresh on my mind this morning, I thought I'd take the time to do so now. I'm 29 Weeks- but I feel like 42 Weeks.
I swear my ensemble was not as gaudy as it looks in the photo. I had 3 people tell me I looked "so cute" this day which is a huge improvement from the usual, "Whoa, you look like you're due any minute" statement so there. Anyway, I apologize for not doing a full body shot. I just got tired of the ole MySpace mirror shots and let's face it--Men cannot take photos of their significant others. It's like they find the worst possible angle ever and just keep snapping away in the same spot in an effort to show you just how gross you actually do look. Kidding. Mostly.

Baby is the size of: butternut squash/head of cabbage He is about 2 and a half pounds.
Symptoms: Achy, achy pains everywhere. Shortness of breath. Plus a load of uncomfortable, awful things are happening to my body which I'm sure you don't want to read about as you sip your morning coffee.
Cravings: Cookie Dough (which I can't have- wah, wah, wahhh)
Weight: I lost weight this past month. I have no idea where that came from, but the doctor isn't concerned so I'm not either. I'm at 138 lbs.
Sleep: I'd love to get more of it! Sleeping consists of a lot of tossing and turning and then when I finally get nice and comfortable, Baby K wakes up and wants crazy things like food, milk, and a new diaper. Oh, the nerve!
Movement: A flips around and moves like a madman. 
Stretch Marks: Thank the good Lord above, I still don't have any stretch marks. I'm oh-so-pleased with this and hope that it continues.
Looking Forward To: Hearing confirmation that I passed my glucose test! I took it last week and haven't heard a word from them so I assume we're good to go. The test wasn't nearly as wretched as last time and for that I'm very thankful.

How's the other babe in my life?

He's doing great- probably giving his overworked Mama a few gray hairs before her time, though. After the formula battle, I can now say that Baby K is drinking straight milk! It took about a month or more to switch him completely, but I'm happy that I can wash my hands of formula for a very long time. I hope Baby A and I have no problems nursing and I don't have to use it again. Stuff's expensive!
K's new favorite word is "hi" or "hiya". He says it when we walk in the room to scoop him up. 
Another adorably cute and frustrating thing he does is clap when Daddy enters the room or he hears him coming down the hall. What in the world kid? I don't get a standing ovation! Where's the love for the lady who takes care of you all day, huh? It's precious, though.
He walks occasionally, but still prefers crawling as his primary means of getting from A to B. He's much faster on all fours.
Right now, our main issue is dealing with his attachment to me. Some people tell me he can sense that a change is a comin' with Baby A on the way and that's why he's clinging to me even more so than usual. I don't know. Sometimes I fear I've spoiled him or he's that weird kid that won't let go of mommy ever. Seriously, I can't hand him to anyone for two seconds- even if I'm still standing right there, he flips! I'm worried about rocking his little world when December comes. I won't be able to hold him every time he pleases.

Oh, the life with babies.


Tiffani chapman said...

Have you tried making eggless cookie dough? It's amazing and you can definitely have it while prego :) I found the recipe on Pinterest.

Jen said...

Yay for being 29 weeks!! :)

Karen said...

Jealous that you have no stretch marks! I got them right at the end with Nora but not super bad. I'm already showing (at 10 weeks!) so I think I'll probably get them this time :(

Chantal said...

Yay 29 weeks!

Kristin said...

I'm sure you looked cute. :)
I hopehopehope that the rest of this pregnancy goes smoothly for you.
You deserve a prize for two babies in two-ish years!

Becca said...

I was telling BAH about baby K clapping for his Daddy. He turned to little h and was like, "how come you don't clap for me?!" :) Very cute.

BTW, "baby K"....not much of a baby anymore!!!

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