Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bumpdate: Week 34

There I am- one week ago. I'd take a 34 pic for you but I already did and it was absolutely revolting so it was immediately disposed of. Seriously, how did we survive before the digital camera? Remember when we had to wait to see if we had taken an acceptable photo? What a dark, scary place. I digress.

Baby is the size of a: large cantaloupe (5.5 lbs)

Symptoms: Fast (very uncomfortable) heart rate, lower back pain, hatefulness, tired (oh so tired), feet and hands are swollen, etc.
Cravings: ehh, nothing really. Food never sounds good until I'm devouring it.
Weight: 150 and no, I don't want to talk about it.
Sleep: I'm not sleeping very well. I typically toss and turn a lot and when I do it's rather difficult and sometimes painful. I will wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to sleep again for a few hours. It's not fun.
Movement: Oh yeah, he moves a lot.
Stretch Marks: I don't think so...but there is one odd line that I'm afraid might be one...but it could just be part of that belly button line that will disappear eventually. I sure hope so.
Sex: It's a boy!
Looking Forward To: I can't wait to be skinny again. And I just know it'll happen again (*fingers crossed, pleading toward the sky) because a little over a year ago I looked like this at Week 33 with Baby K-
and I certainly lost most of that weight before I started packing it on again with this one. I don't know what my aversion is with Week 34, but I didn't seem to get a photo last time either. Maybe this is the specific week that denial sets in.
I know Baby A needs to stay put for about 6 more weeks, but I'm very ready for that time period to elapse. At my last appointment, my heart rate was 140+ so I had to have an EKG, blood pressure monitoring, and various other tests. Not fun, but all results are normal thus far. This is about the time that I started showing signs of preeclampsia last time so I could use your prayers! 

How's Big Bro? He's great. He's running around and talking more and more although most of his jibberish is just that. Still, he's lots of fun. I think he knows that change is a'comin'. He won't let J put him down to sleep anymore and he soaks up every little minute he can cuddle with me. As for me, I'm getting so nervous about leaving him when I have to go to the hospital. I don't want to be away from him that long. I'm sure I'll be okay, though and he will, too.
Being a mom is hard, isn't it? You spend a lot of time just hoping and praying FOR! THE! LOVE! to just have a few hours to yourself yet you often spend the times you do get away thinking of your sweet kids and looking forward to being with them again. Anyway, wanna hear the latest insult I received? It'll be fun....

While walking into Walmart the other day, a guy leans out of his van and shouts-
"We need to get this girl to family planning!"
Umm. Whoa. 
Honestly, I cried when I got home. I mean, who says that? Now, it's just kinda funny to think about. 


Karen said...

I totally would have thrown something at that guy's car. Probably my shoe lol. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers this week!

Jenn said...

Wow. I just cannot believe someone said that. My brain is full of curse words for him, but I think I'll just pray that LSU loses whatever big game they're playing this year and that will probably ruin his sad little life more than anything I could say.

Now, let's get onto the rest of this awesome post. I love that one of your symptoms is hatefulness. Steve would agree that I exhibited this a lot too. I would never admit to such a thing because obviously I was nothing but a fudge-lovin' joy to be around all 9 months and beyond. And your current weight that you hate? Is, um, my current goal weight. Now don't you feel better? As in, skinnier? I've been told that tomorrow is National Chocolate Day, so if that doesn't just make the sun shine brighter, I dunno what will.


Angie said...

You look great! I hope you don't end up with preeclampsia.

Kristin said...

I hope you flipped that guy off. I think God would forgive you for it.

"Hatefulness". You make me laugh. I'm not pregnant but I'm showing signs of hatefulness too.
You make me feel like I could be pregnant someday. I couldn't imagine being as sunshiney as some of these girls are in their bumpdates. I think I would be more like you :)

Becca said...

First, you are adorable. You must know that, in all seriousness :) Jerk-face was probably, in his idiotic way, trying to get your attention and in some weird, Freudian way, hit on you (think: not very smart). Do you know if you have either preeclampsia or gestational hypertension, or it was just a bad day? Gestational hypertension was a bit frightening. The day baby h came to us, I was 190/100...that stuff is no joke. I bought a home blood pressure monitor though, at some point.

Prayers and Love...I know it's hard to "put your feet up" but you really might have to this time. xoxo

Chantal said...

I still can't believe that guy said that. It's not like you have 15 kids with you and you're pregnant! Geez.

Fran said...

woah... what a total jerk! I could *maybe* justify the comment if you have like 10 kids but even then, jeez!

Anonymous said...

You look so good! hopefully you avoid having preclampsia this time. I hear ya on the digital thing... its a good/bad thing. Out of 10 pics I like 1.

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