Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Silly Mommy

I'm not quite sure if I'm doing this right. It's my first time blogging. Anyway, it's me...K or as Mom likes to call me around here- Baby K. I'm not a baby anymore but the poor broad just won't let go. I'll let her think I'm still little for awhile longer. I've heard tell that today is her favorite holiday. It's not that I plan to change it for her, but I do want to see if I can make her inner witch come out. Here's what I've done so far...

1. I was a perfect angel until Daddy left this morning. I do this to trick her. She thinks- "yes, today is going to be a great day!" But boy, is she mistaken. I saw her working on putting elastic on this awful green, hairy thing that she expects me to wear on my head tonight so that it won't come off and I've got to tell ya- THAT'S NOT HAPPENING. I'll show her just who is boss around here.

2. This brings me to my next point. Mom has worked so hard on making my costume this year, but get this...

Go ahead and catch your breath from all that laughter because I know you know that I'm going to dirty that up within seconds of putting it on. I think I'll even feign forgetting how to walk for the entire night just so I can crawl around and completely ruin the thing. It'll be great.

3. She's dressing up, too. I had to remind her today that just because it's Halloween she can't forget she's a mother and not watch me. The way I did this is I snuck into the guest room where she keeps her makeup and I found some blue stuff that I think she puts on her eyes. Then, I tasted it. It wasn't that good so I just smeared it all over my face to make it look like I had eaten a lot. After I was done there, I grabbed some more for good measure and spread it all over the floor. Boy, is she mad. I watched her put it in a drawer that she thinks I can't open, but little does she know I can open it AND get stuff out of it from the very back. Silly Mommy.

4. Just to really put her on edge, I'm screaming at every single thing. I can't really talk, but I am pretty good about letting her know what I want usually. Key word is usually. This morning, just for kicks, I sat next to the couch and screamed bloody murder. I did this for minutes before giving my first hint- which was to look under the couch. She's pretty smart despite her appearance on most days so she caught on quickly. She looked under the couch where she found at least ten toys I had thrown under there. Mom, nearly 35 weeks pregnant, crawled on the floor and got every last toy out from under it...except that one red ball that I wanted. I let her know. Now that I have three red balls, a hat, and six multicolored legos surrounding me, I'm pondering my next line of attack.

Happy Halloween!

"Baby" K


Karen said...

Oh Baby K - give your poor Momma a break!! Hope that you guys have a great time tonight!!

Angie said...

I love it! The costume looks great! Happy Halloween to Baby K!

Jamie said...

Hah. Love it.

Jen said...

I love it. :) I can't wait to see the whole costume. :)

Becca said...

Hahaha! My all-time favorite post. I don't know if it is the timing or what, but, HA. You are one curious little chap, kiddo, and it sounds like you are a vocal one as well. Maybe instead of Baby K, you should be The Voice of K.

Jenn said...

Imma start calling you Cray K. Haha Seriously though, if you keep making Mama get on the floor to fetch toys and eating her makeup, she might just bring home a new baby. Oh snap!

Chantal said...

This is so funny. Penny has been screaming like a crazy person lately too. My ears!

Chantal said...

Adding: I need to do a post like this from Penny's POV :P

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