Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mom to Two Under Two

I'm at the point in this pregnancy that I'm trying not to throw away every single item of clothing I own. Nothing seems to fit and my woe-is-me attitude is just taunting me- saying "You'll never fit in that again. Get rid of it."

Oh, but I will.

It's so easy to put on weight, but eventually I'll have it gone again and I shouldn't throw away my entire closet. I know this. Yet...I just don't want to look at it. I want it out of my sight. I tried on pre-pregnancy pants the other day and after finally getting them buttoned, I worried that I'd have to cut them off. I couldn't breathe in them and they gave me the most unflattering of muffin tops. A couple weeks ago, I tried on my favorite little black dress which I can no longer zip over my chest. This is yet another unpleasant side effect to having babies. My body is expanding all over and I'm having to share it with another person. It's wonderful and terribly uncomfortable all at the same time.

Yesterday, the bassinet arrived and as I was putting it together, I realized how quickly time was running down. He's going to be here before we know it. Staring at the place where Baby A will soon slumber, my chest started getting restricted. My heart rate elevated. Whoa, I'm nervous. What will it be like to be a mother of two? Two under two years old. Let me just pinch myself really quickly to make sure this is real.

I have also officially entered into the nesting zone. I'm trying to prepare as best I can with what I have. Of course, there's no nursery to get ready as we're moving the week or so after the baby arrives. I did manage to thoroughly clean the infant car seat, though. K really really did a number on that thing as a tiny one. It was filthy and I was ashamed. I'm sure it won't be the last time, though! Now, Baby A can ride home in a tidy, non sticky chair. You're welcome, kid...

Anyway, this may be premature, but I buckled the car seat into the car to see how the leg space up front would be with two car seats in the back (It's perfect, by the way). Both seats are buckled in and each time I get in my car, I realize all over again that this is real. K is starting to sense the change, too. The first time I put him into his seat, he leaned over and stared curiously at his old seat beside him." Who is in there?" he seemed to say. After he was sure he was still the baby of the family, he sat back and relaxed. I hope he handles this transition well, but I worry about his reaction more than anything. I pray I have adequate time to show both of my babies how loved they are.

These are my thoughts on this Saturday morning.

Have a great weekend!


AlanaMarie said...

I totally put on my pre-preg pants the other day, got them on and buttoned. They looked like I had painted them on, except for the extreme muffin top. It was, at the same time, both depressing and exciting, Good to know I could still get them on, sad that I saw myself looking so awful.

Julie Danielle said...

I am excited for you :) Adding a 2nd baby to a family is awesome.

Angie said...

I understand. Mine will be 2 1/2 years apart, but I wonder how am I going to handle two when it feels like I can barely handle one.

Karen said...

I understand your feelings too - I have a little bit more time before our number 2 arrives... but I'm worried how Nora will react, she is so used to just me almost all the time.

Chantal said...

Ack I bet it's scary. I can't even imagine. I keep telling Brandon every month "if I got pregnant this month Penny would be so-and-so age" and it scares us lol

Anonymous said...

This whole post could've been one I wrote... I went through so many of the same feelings and experiences as you are!

I put all my small clothes into bins so I didnt have to be reminded :) YOU WILL fit into those clothes again, I Promise!!

How many months apart will your babies be? My first 2 are 9 years apart almost to the day. Then 17 months apart.

You will love having 2. The first 4ish months were an adjustment period for me, but it gets better and better!! I promise.

Kate @ Daffodils said...

You will wear them again~! But I know how hard it is to imagine now. I told my hubby that I wanted another baby the otehr day and he got a look of horror on his face and said "but then youd have to be pregnant again'. haha I was the whinest preggo e-v-e-r. YOu will do great with your two, love between siblings is an amazing thing!

Jenny @ Creatively Blooming said...

I fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes quicker after having my second than I did with my first. I think it was the stress of having two kids to take care of! It's not all that bad though. My two are 14 months apart, and looking back now (they are currently 3 1/2 and 2 1/2), the first year of having two kids was the easiest! There was only one kid that could run away from me! Now having two to chase after and having them old enough to conspire against me is what wears me out!

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