Monday, June 13, 2011

Mrs. K and the calculated escape plan


Is this thing on?

I feel disconnected from the blogging world. School, family, moving- these are all taking me away from you momentarily. Still, I enjoy having a place to share our lives with all of you. It allows me to revisit many of my fondest memories, especially when I have little recollection of them. I have a terrible memory in case you didn't know. Sometimes I like this about myself. For instance, I can watch a movie a handful of times and still not remember what happens in the end. It's great! It's new to me each time. Other times, this pesky memory problem isn't so enjoyable.

I think I'm talking writing too much.

I signed into Wordpress to tell you about this:

Whoa! That's one big belly. People keep telling me that it's only going to get bigger and that's something that scares me to hear.

How? How can it get any bigger?

I'm going to pop.

You should see me try to execute an escape- from- the- air- mattress plan. It ain't pretty. It usually involves a calculated roll with some preliminary swinging of the legs to roll me over. If all goes well, my knees end up on the floor while I use my hands to push me up. All the while, I'm breathing like I'm about 600 lbs. and just tried to hula hoop. My hair is usually a mess because I no longer care about brushing it. I'm just trying to get through the day (or the night, for that matter). When I finally make my way to a vertical position, I still have to cradle my huge belly as I high tail it to the bathroom because you know I have to pee every few minutes.

Long story short- I'm wondering how anyone can view pregnancy as an attractive time period in a woman's life. Sometimes I feel sorry for Captain J to have to wake up to such a hot mess every morning, but then I remember that he can be thanked for this huge protruding belly of mine and I get over that pretty quickly.

65 more days to go!


Beth M said...

All I am going to say is.....I HEAR YA SISTER!! :-)

Samantha said...

I think the belly is adorable!

Jenn said...

First off you are absolutely adorable. You look great and are all belly!! Hmmm... That air mattress escape might come in handy if all goes as planned :).

Alyson H. said...

Only 65 left! That's so exciting!! I hope the rest of the time goes smoothly.

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