Monday, June 13, 2011

The End.

In my recent studies, I came across this verse from Ecclesiastes that seems very fitting today-
"The end of a matter is better than the beginning, and patience is better than pride." - Ecclesiastes 7:8

The end. Those can be bittersweet words, can't they? In movies, it's the point at which we finally feel that homeostasis returning to our bodies. The conflict has been resolved in some way and we can leave the movie in peace, knowing that all is right again in that little world. In our favorite books, we're often glad to know what happened finally, but regretful that the story is no longer engrossing us.

'The end' can be happy or sad, but it is inevitable.

I look forward to so many ends and other beginnings. The end of this move is in sight. Don't ask me how or why I can see the finish line, but I can. It looks relaxing there. The fact that once we arrive at Ft. Polk (find a doctor and find a house) I still won't have time to sit down and put my feet up- matters very little. We'll have a home again. The home that we'll bring our son home from the hospital to. The home he'll roll over for the first time. The end of our time here at Ft. Benning.

I'm excited.

I'm trying to have patience and enjoy every single day, but today was difficult for me. I won't go into detail about all my pregnancy ailments because I know I can get complainy. But being 31 weeks pregnant in 98 degree weather with no furniture to relax on isn't the only issue I've got going on. As I was laying in bed on the evil air mattress that has become my nemesis, I realized, "Mama K, while you were busy preparing to move and working on school work, you forgot about your other class." That's right. I signed up for three classes this summer, not two. A little word of advice: When an advisor tells you that you might not want to take on too much at first, LISTEN!

I got out of bed at 1am, hurried my pregnant self to, and frantically began my search for the books I would need for the additional class that starts in two weeks. After finding what I need and consequently spending a fortune to get the books here by Wednesday, you would think I would be able to rest. Not the case.

As you can plainly see, this end will be much better than the beginning. I'm keeping faith in that! The beginning started last Wednesday when all of our belongings were lovingly not so lovingly thrown into boxes and shipped to what will be our third home in the past year. Since then, I've endured a lot. No, really. :) Okay, maybe I just feel as if I've been through the ringer.

The end of this move looks exciting to me.

Who cares if everyone says our next post is the armpit of the Army? Not this girl. This girl is just thankful for ends and new beginnings.

Lord, grant me patience (but not too much) ;)


Laura said...

I love your positive attitude, it's quite contagious!

Nicole said...

Chin up, Kace! You're NOT moving to the armpit of the Army...that's where I live! Anywho! I miss you, and so glad you remembered the class in time to receive your books!

Jenn said...

I think you will do just fine in LA with a can of bug repellent and a good nights rest in your new home!

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