Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lesson Learned

We all have these certain pearls of wisdom that we feel the need to pass onto others before we pass on.

Here's mine:

When calling the pediatrician, the first sentence is key.

My husband taught me this. Yesterday, I was concerned about the baby for various reasons so I put in a phone call to his doctor. After being passed around several times, I spoke to a nurse who was none too concerned with the symptoms I was listing. She seemed more concerned that her phone call duties had lasted over a minute. Feeling frustrated, as I have on many occasions in dealing with doctors, I hung up the phone with an appointment in three weeks. Three weeks!

This morning I begged and I pleaded with Captain J, "Will you just call them? They'll listen to you!"

A few minutes later I had an appointment for 10:20 this morning.

"How did you do it?" I asked.

He then explained to me the importance of leading with the absolute worse possible scenario he thought it could be. He said, "I basically told them his toes were about to fall off. It's what ya gotta do."

There ya have it.

And this is what I find myself doing this dreary morning- headed to the hospital for little man. More later. ;)


Becca said...

It sucks, but it's true. Instincts are right 100% of the time. You just know when something "isn't right", but it's hard to make that sound important when peds offices are being inundated with stuff like chicken pox, whooping cough, and hand, foot and mouth disease...know what I'm sayin? :) Hope everything is okay with sweet Baby K and you too, momma. It's always harder to deal with this stuff when you aren't getting any sleep :(

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