Friday, November 18, 2011

Welcome to the Army (and Motherhood)

Every time I sit down to write, Baby K starts his wailin'. I think he hates my blog. Or productivity, as my school work has come to a complete hault.

It's okay, though because now I know I'm not a completely terrible parent. Doc says he's got a touch of colic. Without going into too much detail about K's eating habits (you're welcome, Dave), I will say that he is eating way too fast and it's causing the spit up, gas pains, and the like. I'm going to start working on different techniques, but honestly...

I didn't come here to talk about my son today. I'm exhausted. Drained. Emotional. Drained. Drained. Drained.

Hubby is back from a stint in the field (finally) but it matters very little because he is working on his Master's, too so when he comes home he has to do that. My relief comes when I get Baby K to sleep at night. I love my little man so much but he is quite needy (my sweet little id) and after doing this by myself a lot lately, I need a break. I need to go some place I won't be summoned by screaming cries. I need to put on makeup and feel pretty again. I need to enjoy a meal instead of just scarfing something down while bouncing the baby on my hip. Mama needs, too.

I knew this was going to be hard- raising a child. But never in my wildest dreams did I picture myself being a parent in a military family, away from family who could provide a break if need be. Today was just another day that I thought to myself again, "Welcome to the Army". Everything seems to be harder here.


Nina said...

I hope your day got better. I can only imagine how much work it is to raise a child ..... but you know, there is a reason why we are Army strong - we can make it through tough times. Even though it is stressful now, time will fly by and baby is growing every day - and soon the days of feeling drained will be just a memory.

Blessings to you and your little family. You guys will be in our prayers.

Becca said...

I wish we lived closer to one another :) I know what this is like - Having your better half gone most of the time and no family around whom you trust to just pry the youngling out of your hands (because who are we kidding, that's what it would take most of the time) and make you go do something alone. You guys are going to have some wild stories for Baby K when he is older about how you both got your Master's degrees when he was a baby. It'll be like the stories my parents told us about walking 2 miles to school in the snow...uphill. We were never allowed to complain :)

Pop said...

Grandparents are on the way! Start planning your night out!

Kendra said...

You know this already, but this post is seriously straight from my own mind! I feel the same way. Finding time for myself or much of anything sans baby is so difficult right now. And when they have colic, it's even more difficult. I feel not only physically drained, but emotionally and mentally as well. Living so far away from family is difficult anytime, but even more so with a little one. I hope you get a little "me" time soon and just know that you are not alone! =)

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