Thursday, March 29, 2012

on leaving my babe

Last night was one of those awful evenings you hope you won't have to repeat anytime soon. Nothing major- just a whole bunch of little things adding up to create a big, suffocating mess. And I'm now sitting here wondering if it's over or if today is a repeat of yesterday. Not the best way to start the day! But I'm hopeful that today will be different. You know what always makes ME feel better? Looking at cute babies! It just so happens that two of the people I follow just had three little bundles of joy- all pretty little girls! If you'd like- go congratulate, Jenn for the birth of her daughter and Bex for the birth of her twin girls! Precious babes.

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that I'm going to be away from my little one for a weekend. In two short weeks, I'll be on a plane to Tennessee to celebrate my grandparents' anniversary and a friend's birthday. I can't wait...I think. It's just every time I start to imagine not waking up to his sweet talking in the morning or the way he hugs me when he's really tired, I start to feel panic in my heart. As much as I need a break from mothering 24/7 from time to time, I still feel like this break is too long and too soon. An eight month old needs his mama, doesn't he? I hope he doesn't miss me. The weekend will be jam-packed, though so hopefully I won't have time to dwell on it too much.

But I just know he's going to be looking so cute when I get dropped off at the airport- still in his jammies- looking like this:

And then I'll embarrass myself crying the whole flight home. It won't be the first time I've cried on a flight.

Moms, have you ever left your babies overnight? Am I over-reacting?

P.S.- Thanks to everyone who linked up yesterday. It was fun going around to all the different blogs and checking out your artwork! I hope to see you again next Wednesday.

P.P.S.- Tomorrow I'll have a book review for ya that would make an awesome gift for an 8-14 year old girl, just FYI.


Becca said...

Sorry you had a poopy day, first of all...Second, I went away from little h overnight (like, 12 hours, total) when he was 9 months old. It was the best thing I could have done for him, my husband, and myself. Sadly, I have not done it since, but my plan is to get the kahones up and leave for an entire weekend...soon :)

p.s., You will cry. you will NOT be sorry you left.

navynest said...

Awww I haven't left my little one yet it's terrifying to think about although I'm sure she would be fine. I'm in a wedding this summer in my hometown and of course my parents are dying to take her overnight it's just hard for me to fathom. We are going to leave her for the wedding though, and that will likely be our first real date since before she was born. I know. I'm totally lame.

Kace said...

I'm hoping that's the key and I won't be sorry, but only slightly sad. It will be so wonderful to celebrate with my grandparents and the rest of my family. Thanks for the note. My day turned around quite nicely- nothing like yesterday.

Kace said...

It is hard for me to fathom, too but I guess I'm ripping the band aid off! We don't really do dates either unless we're in our hometown and family can watch hi. If you're lame, so am I! haha It's hard to leave them, for sure. I hope you have a great time at the wedding and it's painless for ya. K will be with his dad so I know he'll be in capable hands!

Karen said...

I haven't left Nora overnight yet. I'm scared to do it lol. Good for you though. I think I'll be leaving her alone in October for a whole weekend with her Daddy. You'll have such a blast seeing family and friends though :)

happytubbs said...

Aww thanks for the love for my girls!! I know it will be tough leaving your little man, you are not over reacting at all! Leaving my girls is the hardest this i have to do everyday!

Kace said...

Everyone saying that they haven't left their child for this long is making me feel bad b/c all of said children are slightly older than K. Haha Kidding. I know he'll be fine and I'm sure I'll have fun even if it is hard to leave him.

Kace said...

I can't imagine! It must be so hard on you all. Hurry up May! That's when they are expected to come home right? :)

The New Normal said...

I remember the first time I left my son for longer than a few hours. He was 18 months and my husband and I were going on a week long cruise. I cried the whole way to the airport and the whole first night. Not the best way to start a vacation! But we did have a nice time, it was wonderful to get away and actually sleep and it was good for him too. And the best part was coming home and his reaction! He hugged me so tight and told me he loved me. I probably should have left him overnight before 18 months old, but we never really had that opportunity. It may not have been so hard on me if I had tried it with him at a younger age!
I hope you have a nice time! It'll be good for both of you! :)

Kace said...

That's so sweet! I know I'll be looking forward to that first hug when I get picked up from the airport. Hopefully since I'm leaving him pretty early on, he'll get used to nights without me. He'll be staying with Daddy though so it won't be much different for him.

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