Monday, March 19, 2012

Miscellany Monday

Why, hello Monday. You're lookin' a lot like Saturday and Sunday to me. It's another day of laundry and baby- watching that just makes me want to say, "I can't wait to blog about today!" Did you detect any sarcasm? You'll have to excuse me. My husband is working a lot more than usual and so I'm in a funk. I do like havin' him around, ya know?

Anyway, I wanted to link up with Carissa today for a Miscellany Monday post-

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Because it's just one of those days where there are several things on my brain. I'm taking the moment to blog this morning because I was basically a rockstar in the house today. The kitchen was clean, the diapers were drying, and I made baby food all before 8am this morning. This is my pat on the back for it. I get that, right?

*Louisiana is in bloom! There are lovely flowers galore, muggy weather, and pollen up to my eyeballs. Sometimes, I can sneak out on the porch before a rain and relax on the hammock under a blanket (if it's not too hot). I love those little moments.

*I'm accepting Sponsors for the month of April or you can get a deal for three months in advance. The details of my reach can be found by clicking on the image below. Please message me with any questions. I'd love to have you!
*I miss my husband. And really? He's not gone that much. It could be so much worse. I guess I've gotten used to his relaxed hours when there's not a rotation here to train. When he does work it's just that much more annoying when he's not here. Boo! I hope he knows how much he's appreciated here at home. And now all you milspouse people who have husbands deployed right now are welcome to throw virtual rocks and tomatoes if you wish. I know, I shouldn't complain.

*Last week, I went to PWOC on post as I usually do. I'm happy to report- that for the first time EVER- Baby K made it in watchcare the entire time. Every single time he has gone before, they've paged me to come get him because they cannot get him calmed down. When I walked in this time, he was smiling, SMILING! I was shocked and so proud. I think he stayed so long because God needed me to hear what we were talking about in our small study group. We were discussing contentment and if you've followed my blog for any significant amount of time, you know that I struggle with being content not making any money for our family. I sometimes feel that if I'm not actually working then I'm not contributing. Lately, when I look in my son's eyes and see how happy he is, I know that I'm actually doing a lot more than I think. God has placed me in this role right now and I will be content with it! I'm so grateful.

I think that's enough randomness for the day on my part. Anything random you'd like to share? I'm all ears.


Mrs. K


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