Monday February 27, 2012: I started reading book two of the Hunger Games. I'm super pumped to have a break to read something of my choice!
Tuesday February 28, 2012: On Tuesday, I put K Baby to work using his hammer.
Wednesday February 29, 2012 Leap Day! Our extra day this year was spent out in the sun with Captain J! We each took turns holding the babe on the hammock while the other picked up pine cones in the yard. It was rather hot and Baby K kept soaking his onesie so we let his baby soft skin meet the sun finally.
Thursday, March 1, 2012: I cheated on my blog this day with my trusty ole journal! It had been too long.
Friday, March 2, 2012 I had the best girl day- complete with spa services and a new hair do!
Saturday, March 3, 2012 We had a nice little Saturday. This is me on our way to breakfast-
Did you document your week in photos? If so, link up with Laura!
Super cute hammer picture :) And I love your handwriting - very nice :)
Hey girlie! Been reading your blog, but miss seeing you on Facebook--can't wait until you are back. How is little Kinley doing? Hope all is well! I don't have your email so this is my only contact method--send it to me, okay? Love you guys!
He loves that little hammer. It cracks me up!
Kinley is doing great! His sleeping through the night has been a little rocky the past few nights, but other than that- angel! You can reach me at Love ya!
You will love the Hunger Games series! I already have my midnight tickets to the first movie. I know, I am a dork.
P.S. Your wedding ring looks a lot like mine :)
I'm a dork, too. I can't wait for the movie! These books are so good. You should read a Discovery of Witches. You would probably really like it. It's the first of a series although the others haven't come out yet.
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