Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday Stuff

There are times when the pull to write is drawing me like a magnet to my keyboard yet I don't have much to report. That sounds so formal, doesn't it? You all know by now that I like coming here- to my online journal. It's rarely something I feel as if I should do. Where's the fun in that? It's something I want to do.

Today was a breath of fresh air and it's not over yet!

My clan woke up early, too early for a Saturday. By 6am, K's bottle was in hand and I was sipping on my kryptonite (coffee). I never looked back once the 5:30 wake up call happened- it's just something I accept. Baby K has been the best kid recently. The past few weeks I've finally started to feel as if I actually have a happy baby now. His schedule is so much better and he's getting more sleep at night and during the day. He has been a complete joy! After rereading that last comment, I feel like I could have been a great teacher.

Moving on.

Friday was heavenly. I woke up and hopped in the car for my Valentine's Day present cash-in. I had a massage that was too short, a facial that was also too short, and all sorts of other pampering that I just didn't deserve. Boy, did I soak it all up, though. I felt ahhhmazing.

Until they did my makeup.

Then I felt like a teenager going to prom. I looked ridiculous with that much makeup on and in a biker shirt and blue jeans no less. I just don't normally wear that much so I felt as if it were over the top, but several people assured me that it wasn't. Either way, I was not a fan of feeling like I had a mask on all day.

I had a very pleasing day, but I couldn't wait to get home to my two men. I don't think I've ever been away from K that long.

Tonight, we're having our first ever craw fish boil! I sure hope Captain J knows what he's doing because there will likely be another blogger in our midst. Hopefully, it won't be a flop. We like to wing these things, ya know? Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. It's always a party, though!

Happy Saturday to you, my friend.


Karen T said...

I really can't wait to hear about the Craw Fish boil. I've never had crawfish in my entire life. But that's probably because I live in Canada lol. Hope you guys have fun!!

Mrs. K said...

I'll be sure to take pictures. The exciting life of Mrs. K- ha! I used to be thrilled about going fishing, hiking, or taking trips in Alaska. Figures I'm excited about food now. lol

Julie said...

Love your make up :) Have a fun night!

Laura said...

I think you look great! And don't deserve it? PSHH. Don't you say that, you know it isn't true. :) You so do. Every mom does from time to time! :)

Mrs. K said...

Thank you, I guess it will just take some getting used to. Tonight was lots of fun :)

Mrs. K said...

Thanks, Laura. After I get all that pampering I start to think, 'I should probably do this again next month!' Ha- only a tad spoiled.

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