Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sounds Like Life To Me

This morning I'm battling a bad attitude so I thought perhaps sharing some photos of our nice weekend might aid in putting me in a better mood. I'm sad because everything on my body seems to ache. I didn't sleep well last night because K Baby is sick and he was awake every 30 minutes for the first five hours he was asleep. Then, he woke up early. Dragging my big ole pregnant body out of bed constantly isn't my idea of fun. Of course, now that he's sick, I can't go to PWOC either and I really really wanted to today.
On top of it all, a blanket of stress is threatening to smother us (or something equally dramatic! ha). This weekend, Captain J is off to look for a big boy job in the real world and along with this hiring conference has come many unexpected expenses. Yesterday we had to go to the next city over for (another) shopping spree for professional attire. On the way, we were pulled over and will soon have to pay a big fat fine for speeding. Being a one income household, this puts us in a situation. We're fine, of course, but all that savings we had is gone and we're ready to start over. We were feeling good about having some money saved for "just in case" when he gets out of the Army. That security is gone now. It's just always something, isn't it?

But as Wynn Varble would say, "Sounds like life to me..."
And we've got it pretty good. Here are some photos from our day at the pumpkin patch!

Is he not the cutest thing you've ever seen? I can hardly stand to not kiss his chubby cheeks all day long. And would ya look at those wrists? And that little neck? Good grief. What a sweet family I have!

And now I'll leave you with our good family friend singing his song he wrote for Darryl Worley- Sounds Like Life To Me

Happy Tuesday!


Kristin said...

It does sound like life, that's for sure. You forgot to mention his chubby little elbows!
I hope things turn around for you soon!

Amber Nicole said...

Life for sure!!
I had a day like this yesterday where I just wanted to cry. I hate days like this.
I'm sorry about your savings :( At least you had it and it didn't really hurt y'all financially. *hugs*

Jenn said...

I know folks are always saying, "Well, it could be worse, you could have x, y, and z..." but you know what? Sometimes the situation you're in just really SUCKS and you don't wanna hear about how bad anyone else has it. LOL I like to complain about my children sometimes, for instance, and then my mom is all, "I know they're a handful sometimes, but look at how beautiful and healthy they are- there are some children with cancer." YES MOTHER. I KNOW. But dammit these kids are making me insane today and I just need someone to be like, "Yes dear, they are little beasts today. Have a glass of wine."

So that big ol' long comment to say: I'm sorry things are sucking right now. I hope that Baby K feels better soon so you can get out and do the things you wanna do. I hope that J finds a job quickly and easily and it is located right where you want it to be! I'm praying for you!!

Jen said...

Oh no! :( So sorry you had a rough day.

Becca said...

Totally sucks major ass (TSMA) category, my friend. However, the photos do make it better :)

Also, this is SUCH a great song...


Chantal said...

He is so adorable!

Angie said...

Three things and no I'm not going to tell you how tomorrow will be brighter or how blessed you are. You know all those things already, I can tell by this post!

1. I LOVE that song and boy is it so true. Life isn't always sweet but waking up is definitely worth being thankful for :)

2. I wrote this post a few days ago (Not word for word of course). My mood has lightened since. I hope yours does too, very soon.

3. GREAT PHOTOS!!! I've been wanting to take Lil' Man to a Pumpkin Patch all Fall. Our closest one is 2 hours away though :(

Kace said...

Oh, yes! Could have been much worse financially. Thanks, dearie.

Kace said...

Thanks, Angie. Today is already better. I guess we all sort of have these days. Your nearest pumpkin patch is 2 hours away? That stinks. You should really make a business plan out of that, though. LOL Throw out a few hay bales and some pumpkins and boom- you're rich! :)

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