Sunday, November 25, 2012

Holiday Fun

I'm sure you're wondering just where in the world my Thanksgiving recap post is. If so, look no further. You've arrived. We made lots of good ole Paula Deen food and really indulged ourselves. And when I say we, I don't mean me. Captain J did almost all of the cooking. His mom brought with them some gravy and stuffing, but the rest of the chow was made by that delightful husband of mine. Seriously, I didn't lift a finger. It was awesome.

We fried a turkey (again I didn't...I tried to nap)...

We gathered 'round the food...

We were merry. Cray K wanted nothing to do with mashed potatoes, sweet potato souffle, salad, turkey, gravy, stuffing, stuffed mushrooms, cheddar and chive biscuits, banana cream pie, cranberry sauce, and/or pecan bars. THIS CHILD. I mean, what 15 month old doesn't like mashed potatoes? He's going to have a rough time fitting in if we ever move back to the real south. Bless his heart.

I went to bed with a full tummy only to wake up the next morning to go to a doctor appointment telling me that I had lost weight over the holiday! Score?

That day, Captain J and I got some much needed time alone thanks to his parents watching the little one for us. K did so well with them. I've heard tell that he didn't cry until about five minutes before we got home. It was a glorious couple of hours where we could pretend we were back in our carefree dating days (well, ya know, aside from my massive pregnant middle). First, we treated ourselves to Starbucks. Decaf Pumpkin Spice Latte, thank you very much. Then, we drove off toward the local movie theatre to see...

I know, I know. I'm that girl. Allow me to explain-

The movies aren't that good. I know this, but I can't simply stop seeing them. I read the books after a quite depressing Harry Potter hangover. I was grasping at straws trying to find another saga to throw myself into. While the books are no Harry Potter, they were decent enough to help with the sting.

I'm glad the movies are over. Breaking Dawn Part 2 was pretty good. The first five minutes were completely cheesy and I wondered if I would make it through the rest of the movie without having to fight the urge to roll my eyes. It got a lot better and I'm happy to have gotten the opportunity to see it on the big screen. That's a rarity in my life these days, ya know.

The following day, Captain J's parents left to head back home, but not before gifting me with this lovely shade of red:

It's called An Affair in Red Square and it's now gracing my newly chewed fingernails. Ugh. Let the process of not biting my nails begin again. I love this color. It's a festive, smooth red.

What's up with you? How was your Thanksgiving holiday?


Jen said...

I completely agree that the first 5 minutes of the movie were cheesy, lol. I couldn't stop laughing, but so happy it got better. :)

Fran said...

The first 5 minutes were so bad haha and the Aro (sp?) laugh when he met Reneesme? so wrong haha -- glad you got some alone time!

Jenn said...

If it's any consolation, Sam won't eat mashed potatoes either. But LAWD, give the boy a potato chip and he's in hog heaven. I justify letting him eat potato chips for Thanksgiving dinner by reminding myself that potato chips are only a few steps away from mashed potatoes. Same food family, different consistency. Whatever. Cray K will realize the awesomeness eventually and then you'll be like, "Hey kid! Leave some for the rest of us!"

Glad y'all had a good (and yummy) Thanksgiving. I'm the freak that's never read/watched HP or Twilight. Throw on top of that my lack of Facebook and I'm basically Amish.

#mommylife said...

I was the some way the beginning of the movie, and I'm sure I did roll my eyes.. But it def got better and I may have teared a lil at the end. ;) Looks like a great Thanksgiving break! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun! I totally loved Breaking Dawn...not gonna lie. I know how you feel about having your baby be crazy for not liking mashed potatoes! I'm dating a guy who literally eats...bread. That's it. So frustrating! hahaha

Hope you had a great weekend!

Jamie said...

Thats a gorgeous red. Love that you guys got to sneak a date in before bambino #2 makes his arrival!

Chantal said...

Hmmm fried turkey!

Anonymous said...

i'm with you re: the twilight series. the movies are horrible yet i have to go and see them. i did enjoy the books and no matter how hard i've tried, i just can't get into harry potter!! i have all of the books on my ereader and i just can't get into the story... i'll read a few pages and then lose interest.

i dragged my husband to see breaking dawn... i warned him that it was uber-cheesy and that i was only going for the fight scene. that movie didn't disappoint (from a cheese perspective) but i'm glad that the last scene totally redeemed the rest of the movie.

Karen said...

Nora HATES mashed potatoes. I totally thought the beginning of Breaking Dawn was cheesy - but I had to see it lol. I do have to admit, I wasn't quite expecting what happened in the fight scene and just about peed my pants in the theatre lol.

Jenny @ Creatively Blooming said...

Dude, my kids ate Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets for Thanksgiving dinner! Weird kids! Charlotte did crawl up into my lap later to nibble some mashed potatoes, turkey, and dressing, so at least there's some hope for her!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Im reading twilight for the first time ever right now. I just never got into it then saw it on my sister in law's shelf and picked it up. Nice, mindless entertainment for sure!

Brigette Olmos-Arreola said...

love fried turkey, looks like a great time! and that shade of opi is one of my favs!

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