Thursday, November 8, 2012

Isn't Life Fun?

(Thank you all SO MUCH for the sweet birthday comments yesterday. Y'all rock!)

The universe has a lovely way of reminding us that not every day can be your birthday. Today was no exception. After the excitement hangover of my husband coming home from his interview with doritos and a fancy schmancy iPad in hand, I began to realize that not every day can be that fabulous. See, I was expecting none of thee above. I wasn't sure Captain J could come home before I went to bed last night. I certainly didn't expect him to come bearing gifts. It was a delightful surprise after a pretty good day with my toddler.
This morning I had a doctor appointment. And, surprisingly, that went well, too! My blood pressure is normal, heart rate is fine, and Baby K acted like an angel the whole time. I'm also already dilated 1cm! Too much over-share? Sorry 'bout it. Anyway, on the way home from the appointment, K screamed his little lungs off until he fell into a deep sleep five minutes before we arrived home. For the rest of the day, he banked on that five minutes as a replacement for his usual at least two hour nap. Do you know what happens to Mama when she doesn't get that two hours to herself? She goes a little crazy.
She does things like refer to herself in the third person and sneaks off to her car while her little one is yelling at the top of his lungs to get him out of this prison (aka crib).
She rocks him and holds him and tells him everything is going to be okay yet she's questioning it herself. I mean, how in the world will she do it in less than a month when they're both crying at the top of their lungs!?
She's freakin' out here.
In addition, doc tells her "the baby could come at any time now" which would normally sound delightful to a large pregnant woman's ears but this pregnant woman? Her husband is out of town on interviews and that's where he'll be next week, too. So, I think she's allowed to freak out a tiny bit. She can feel a bit unprepared if she wants because, hello, she is!
Still, she wears a smile because she knows that this is only the beginning of the madness.
And she's going to need some momentum to keep her going these next few months. Luckily, she's got this one little ball of fire to keep her on her toes...
Isn't life fun?


Jen said...

You look so cute and I hope baby waits for when you husband is home! :)

Chantal said...

I love that shirt. I hope the baby stays in until daddy is there ;)

Amber Nicole said...

I hope baby A waits til J gets home!! Ahhh, so exciting though!!!
Don't freak out! Just remember that you're not the first person to do this and if ALL those other people can do it, you definitely can too! It'll be challenging at times, but those moments that you see K going to hug or kiss baby A will just make up for every stressful and will absolutely just melt your heart. <3
You're allowed to freak but know it'll be okay!
Heck, I still have freak out moments! Haha

Angie said...

It is a bit scary when the doctor says it could be any time, and you are still a few weeks away. I hope the baby holds out a big longer so your husband can get through his interviews!

Karen said...

I'm sure Baby A will hold out just a little bit longer for you :) Glad that the Captain came home with presents last night, that's always nice and unexpected. And Mothers are ALWAYS allowed to have a freak out time. I put Nora in her room today and closed the door and let her cry while I took a shower lol. Happy Birthday Boxing Day! :)

Jenn said...

You are one of those cute pregnant ladies with the little basketball baby belly. If I didn't already love you, I would hate you.
Also, I think if you keep feeding Baby A Doritos and pizza and cake, then he will continue to be very comfortable right where he is until J gets home. Just remember "comfort" foods to keep baby comfortable. ;)

I had that freak-out moment the other day. I was schlepping diapers from the washer into the dryer while Sam sat on the floor SCREAMING because he couldn't get his sock off his foot (seriously? that's worth screaming over?) and Molly was just DYING because I wasn't lying on the floor staring deep into her eyes. It was at that moment that I realized that I'm pretty awesome at tuning out stupid crying. Like, crying that is just for the sake of crying. I respond very quickly to cries that mean/need something, but people who are just crying to hear their own voices are slightly easier to tune out. (although, still VERY annoying)

Kristin said...

You are too cute.
Don't know what's better: the iPad or the's a tie.

Kathryn B said...

You are super cute pregnant! I'm sure you will do fine once the second one arrives. I was worried about it because my husband was deployed when our second was born, but trust me, you find a way to make everything work. It's amazing how we women can do that. :)
Congrats on the ipad and a belated Happy Birthday!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Ill never forget the first time both boys were screaming and I was alone. I didn't know what to do. So I poured a glass of wine, I find that it helps every time ;)

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