Might I also remind you that I moved our entire life all by my lonesome in ten degree weather, complete with icy steps and very cold fingers?
This is precisely why I secretly enjoyed watching the following baby steps unfold:
It was at least ninety degrees during this moving process (hahahah!). Being in the delicate condition that I'm in, I couldn't possibly help him.
Nope, my only duty was to you, my readers, in documenting this spectacle. Wondering what is in that big ole box? It's more furniture for Baby K! I'm so excited to get his room set up eventually. First, we have to find him a room, though. Baby steps.
I think I'll take a ten degree moving day over ninety plus any ole day, however, we're moving to the wrong state for that, huh?
If only you were moving closer to me! Has it really come so soon??? :( I'm sure it will be an easier adjustment to the heat then it was from AK's -50 degrees but I am keeping you all in prayer!
Thanks, Jenn. I wish we were moving closer, too.
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