Friday, August 3, 2012

Five Question Friday

Friday rolls around and I'm always torn between what to post. I suppose I could tell you more about what my week looked like, but because diapers, cries, and Cheerios pretty much sum it up- I won't! How about a little 5 Question Friday with Mama M? I submitted a question this week (in honor of my mom) and what do ya know? It was chosen! Let's get started:
1. What is a must in a hotel room?
I like a big, fluffy bed- preferably king sized- to relax in. Although now that I have children, I wonder if I'll ever enjoy a relaxing time in a hotel ever again? Oh, well. I wouldn't want it any other way!
2. Which Olympic event would you be best at? 
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be good at any of them. As a child, I competed in gymnastics and I loved when the Olympics rolled around because I was always inspired by what they could do. I remember watching one day and deciding right then and there that I would do my standing back handspring by myself. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you believe that you can actually do something and you visualize it! Now, I can't seem to visualize ever being good at any sport televised in the Olympic games.
3. What's your stance on the Chick-fil-A subject?
Oh, I could write a book on this. I'm so SO sick of seeing the hate spread across my facebook feed. I have held my tongue mostly because I'm aware I probably won't change any one's mind. I can see both sides. Mr. Cathy had every right to voice his opinion on the matter without repercussion to his business. It doesn't matter if you think it was about hate, it wasn't. The reason we saw thousands and thousands of people come out to support the business was a freedom of speech issue. I think America has had enough of the government telling them how to think. Don't tell a free country how to believe (all while shunning business/jobs/revenue to certain big cities) and expect her people not to put their foot down eventually.
Honestly, maybe this Chick-fil-A stuff was about hate for some people, but for the majority of Americans who participated in the Appreciation Day, I think it was more about protecting America's right to worship whoever/whatever we want and speak freely about that faith. I think some people who claim to be so tolerant of lifestyles that are different from their own forget to include Christians in practicing tolerance. What people are failing to see is that support for Chick-fil-A does not equal hate toward gay people.
And if this whole issue actually is about same-sex marriage then it's a whole separate issue, but I truly don't think it is. Some from the left are trying to make it about hate and some from the right are, too. I tend to lean toward the right and while I know what the Bible says about marriage, it doesn't mean I'm here to judge that a homosexual's sin is worse than my own, ya know? It's moot to me. The problem is that this country is looking less and less like the one my husband signed up to defend and it's disgusting. Our freedoms that seem to be diminishing every day were already paid for (and are continuing to be paid for) by men and women everywhere in this nation's wars. To have the yay-hoos in Boston and Chicago try to prevent a business from bringing money to their city all because they don't agree with one man's personal opinion? Well, that sounds like too much control for me.
And just because I love a chance to quote Antoine Dodson:
"I live!"
"Run and tell that."
4. One thing you said you'd never do as a parent, but totally have-
Oh, man. Being a parent is humbling, isn't it? I don't think I ever said, I'll never do fill in the blank, but I definitely thought some of these things. TV is a big one. I didn't want it on at all when I imagined being super mommy at home constantly playing and teaching my child, but I'll let you in on a little secret. Sometimes the tv is on. It doesn't mean he's watching it, but the background sound keeps me from going insane by myself.
5. What's the weirdest thing you've ever found at a yard sale?
This is the question I submitted. I haven't really found anything too weird at a yard sale, but yesterday I received a very disturbing text from my mother. She was out shopping the enormous yard sale that stretches across Tennessee when she came across this:

Can you tell what it is? Something your gyno might use, perhaps? Ugh, creepy! You're welcome for that.

Happy Weekend, Y'all!


Anonymous said...

Is there any relaxing at all with kids? Haha! I can barely sit down when I have all three of my boys.
I agree with you about Chick-Fil-A issue, the owner has the right of freedom of speech. I think it is ridiculous the huge ordeal that has/is happening because of it.
That is one freaky contraption, and I'm glad that I didn't find it!

Stopping by from the 5Q Friday link up ♥

Anonymous said...

Bahaha. I love that video!

Chantal said...

That video is funny. If I want a Chick Fil A sandwich, I'm gonna have one!

Kristin said...

I adore Antoine Dodson. When I watch that re-mix video of his first interview on youtube, I cry tears of laughter.
My personal opinion is that the snarky comments all over social media bothers me. No one likes a passive aggressive liberal OR a condescending conservative. And we have an obesity epidemic happening anyway. Lay off the fast food.

Mrs. Duh said...

A speculum at a yard sale? EEEEWWWW!

Brittany said...

I love big comfy beds...and pillows in hotels. And that was actually at a yard sale! Gross. Worse than gross! Have a good weekend.

Oh...and I nominated you for the Liebster Award:

Cheri said...

Um, I think if I found that at a yard sale, I would have to leave. Quickly. And, yeah, with young ones, TV for background noise is almost a necessity.

Ariel Tyler Henley said...

Ahahahaha. That video was fantastic!

I really enjoyed reading your answers!

Mama M. said...

Oh. My. Word. A speculum??????? And where on earth did they GET it from? Cah-razy.
Very well stated CFA answer, as well! (Can't watch the video, as it's late and my hubs is sleeping...will watch tomorrow!)

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