Wednesday, August 15, 2012

You've got questions, I've got answers...

Howdy, partners. I'm a little la-la-loopsy today. My mind is jumbled and my freshly mopped floor is stinky. You see, I'm elbow deep in the middle of trying to switch Baby K from formula to milk and he hates it. HATES IT. What little milk I can get him to take, he ends up spitting back out on the floor. This is why I don't mop! It was so lovely just yesterday and now NOW it's back to square one. This is why I'm coming at you with a post that doesn't require much thought or formatting or whatever! It's that time that I take all of your questions you've asked me recently and answer them as honestly as I possibly can. If you've got a question for a later post, feel free to leave it in the comments section or email it to me. I enjoy doing these from time to time. 

The following questions are from an Anonymous commenter:

1. What will you be naming the baby? Well, it's not a huge secret, but I'm not really ready to share on my blog yet. I just think about when my boys are older and their peers have access to the Internet- will I embarrass them by talking about them here? I try not to use names here, but sometimes it just spills over and I suppose that's okay, too. Send me an email and I'll tell ya! ;) If not, here are some hints: It's a biblical name that starts with an A.
2. How old were you when you started blogging? I started blogging periodically in college. It was only on my Myspace account, though.
3. How is your pregnancy going? It is going well. It's strange how much faster this one has gone compared to when I was pregnant with Baby K!
4. Who is your best friend? I've got a couple. I'm a lucky gal.
5. When are you due? December 7th- Pearl Harbor Day! That was actually the first thing I thought of when I was told. Weird or not?
6. What is your middle name? This sort of goes back to the first question so I'll be vague. Many people think my middle name is Sue. It's actually not, but it's really close!

*Thanks for the great questions, Anonymous! If you want to email me, I'll send you names and such :)

I was nominated for the Liebster Award again by two lovely bloggers: Mrs. Duh and Ramblings of a Southern Bell. Here are the questions they asked:
1. What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a social worker, then a pharmacist, then a professional student. I don't recall having childhood dreams of jobs because I never wanted to grow up! Once I realized it was inevitable, the jobs mentioned were on my radar. For the record, I don't want any of these things anymore!
2. It's movie night, what movie genre are you out to see? I suppose it depends on who I'm with. I love a good scary movie, but most of my pals will not go with me to see any of those.
3. What is your go-to recipe when you have people over for dinner? Umm, maybe husband can chime in here. He likes to entertain and cook more than I do. He's always trying something new when people come over, though. Lately, we've experimented with Cajun food when company is over, taking advantage of the local spices and such!
4. What website do you frequent the most? Probably facebook.
5. What is your favorite sport to watch? Football
6. How about your favorite sport to play? Basketball or tennis
7. What book do you recommend? A Discovery of Witches
8. What do you love most about your hometown? It's small and homey! It makes you all warm inside.
9. If you could give $100,000 to any charity, which would you choose and why? I'm not sure. I'd likely choose one that benefits children, though.
10. What is the origin and meaning of your first name? Supposedly, my name means "alert"--ha! It comes from a phonetic form of initials.
11. What chore do you hate doing? The dunk and swish. You cloth diapering folks know what I'm talkin' about! Gross.


1. What is your favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it? Oh, I don't know. I had a talking Bubba doll. Remember those? I think it's still in my parent's attic somewhere.
2. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid? I don't think I liked cartoons much. I was the Road Runner for Halloween one year so we'll go with that one!
3. Would you ever be brave enough to eat a banana, peanut butter, and mayo sandwich? (sounds gross...but I swear it isn't. If you're from the South, you've had one! lol) Umm? I'm from the south little lady, but I have not had this concoction. I'd be brave, though if money was involved.
4. What was your favorite activity as a kid? I liked to read, ride my horse, do gymnastics
5. Letters or email? I like letters, but I use email more often for convenience.
6. What is your favorite scent? Oh, my! I found the yummiest Scentsy scent the other day that I've been warming all over our house. It's Sweet Pea and Vanilla. Love it!
7. Camping or The Ritz? Both have their places in my life! But I do love a good ole camping trip.
8. Did you have a nickname as a kid? What was it? Nothing that stuck.
9. What one item from your life do you wish you still had? I used to have a pretty penny saved up in my bank account as a child. I wish that was still around!
10. Do you watch reality t.v.? Yes, I can't help myself. I watch many of those types of shows.
11. What is your favorite sound? Baby K's sweet giggle

Thanks, again for all the questions y'all. If you want to answer these questions, too then I choose you for the Liebster Award!

Current giveaway: The Juppy Review and Giveaway


Chantal said...

Love the answers! I wanted to have Penny on Dec 7 - both for the special date and because it was my grandpa's bday. My friend had her baby that day instead!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

I love these types of post. It is always fun learning more about you!

Fran said...

is the name Abraham? lol that's probably too obvious.. hm Adam? hmm... now I'm curious lol

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