Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ask Mrs. K

Now that the coffee is flowing through my veins, I think I'm ready to face the real world. Reality is the blog world, right? If not...I may not have any friends. Humor me.
As of late, I've been rackin' up the awards in the bloggy land. I had better get to crackin' on these questions I've been asked...

I received the Liebster Award again from two more of my favorite bloggers: Confessions of a PinAholic and Life as Mrs. They asked me the following:

What's your favorite vacation destination?
Give me a white sand beach that's not too crowded and I'm happy.

How do you take your coffee?
From a Keurig or a Starbucks, thank you very much. Oh, peasant coffee? I need lots and lots of sugar and cream.

What's your favorite quote?
As you can probably see, I'm not good with deciding favorites (see answer number one), but in light of the annoying political season of attacks, I'll share this one that is definitely one of my favorites:
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." ~Aristotle

Why did you start blogging?
I picked up my life and moved to Alaska. I wanted a way to update family back home on how I was doing.

What's your favorite link-up to participate in?
Oh, I don't know. I like a lot of them, but I don't plan my blogging schedule around any of them really. Lately, I've enjoyed surfing the links added to The Pinterest Project!

What was your favorite tv show to watch growing up?
Saved by the Bell is up there. I watched it every morning while getting ready for school.

Do you hover when using public restrooms?
Absolutely. What would mammy say?

What's something you would do alone that you wouldn't normally do in front of others?

Have you/would you ever have any kind of plastic surgery done?
No, I haven't and at this point I would never do it. I like to avoid pain if at all possible and I don't dislike anything on my body enough to go through it. That being said, if something happened and I needed plastic surgery? I would do it.

Are you a morning or a night person?
Hmm. Tough. It seems like I'm always cranky these days! ;)

What feature do you get the most compliments on?
When I was single, I got complimented on my eyes a lot. They're brown (like my dad!), but I've been told they don't lie. Now, since I usually am only complimented by my dear husband, he rarely mentions my eyes! 

What kind of car do you drive?
BMW, baby.

What's your next tattoo you want to get?
I don't have any and I don't really want any. I have commitment issues.

What's your favorite thing to do during the holidays?
I like to walk around my mom's house, looking at all her beautifully decorated trees and rooms while catching up with her and the rest of my fam. Oh, stop. Don't make me homesick.

Where's your favorite place to vacation?
I like to mix it up. It's nice to try out new places and not always go to the same spot. That being said, I loved visiting Siesta Key, FL every year of my life.

Who do you want to see in concert next?
You might not know this- but I'm totally not cool at all. I don't listen to new music anymore unless it's Christian music. I usually keep the Christian station on most of the time so I'd probably say one of those huge concerts with lots of artists there. I can already die happy in the concert department because I saw the Eagles play a few years ago. So awesome. I guess I should add Jimmy Buffett to the list, though. Then, life would be totally complete.

(*If you have a question for moi, shoot me an email or leave a comment and I'll surely answer it next time I am having an "I'm not sure what to blog about" day. Thanks for reading, y'all. )

One last thing, Scentsy is 10% off for the month of August! I've compiled a list of the bars that are being discontinued, too. Stock up now if your favorite is on the list! To order, go here or ask me and I'll help you place an order.

Much love,

Thanks for the award, girls! 
If YOU want this award, I tag you! Just answer the above questions and pass it along.


Joyewonder said...

Aw! Saved by the Bell!!! Loved that show, for sure. "To the Max"!!

Kristin said...

I love that we started blogging for exactly the same reason. "Peasant coffee" lol. My friend served me Folgers half-caff a few weeks ago. After months of good Alaskan coffee coming out of the Keurig, it was...different. If there's one thing I like about Alaska, it's the coffee!

Becca said...

I love your Mom's Christmas decorations! That explains a lot :) The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree in your fam. I, unfortunately received none of my Momma's talent for design/decor.

I'll do this! I've never done a Q&A type of post before.

Caitlin Cavallaro said...

CONGRATS ON THE AWARD! I love when people get these awards because I love reading/learning more about people! :)

I looove my Keurig! We just got it this summer and now i'm wondering how I lived without it!

#mommylife said...

Thanks for answering! Loved reading your fun facts! :)

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions if you wouldn't mind to answer, Kacy.
1. What will you be naming the baby?
2. How old were you when you started blogging?
3. How is your pregnancy going?
4. Who is your best friend?
5. When are you due?
6. What is your middle name?
Have a great day and enjoy your life as it is progressing. I enjoy seeing your bubbly personality as you continue to write.

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