Friday, July 6, 2012

July is for Pinners

If nothing is as American than apple pie, then nothing is as Louisianan than boudin and cracklins. And that's just how we celebrated Independence Day- with gobs of food, some I hadn't heard of until about a year ago when we moved here.
(Captain J was not intoxicated despite all the photos I have of him that night hinting otherwise.)

I love holidays--love them. And I was happy that we decided to have some people over to celebrate America's Birthday although most wouldn't approve of photos even when I explained, "It's for my blog!" Oh, well. I can't say I blame them. I like to approve pictures, too before they're dispersed across the World Wide Web.

Instead, you're stuck with a bunch of pictures of me and my failed Pinterest attempts.

I made this headband, but it's nowhere near as cute as the pinterest one I was trying to make so I just rolled with it. Anyway, I was pleased with the result. I felt like Rosie the Riveter...if only I had her guns.

I also painted my nails all patriotic-like.

Not gonna lie- I considered this a win, too. Usually when I try to do my nails creatively it turns into a big, fat flop.

This is where my semi-wins end.

I tried to make this:

But mine turned a dark brownish-blue color. It still tasted good, though. I just would like to say, I followed directions! I did! I don't know why it didn't work, but I can't say I wasn't surprised.

I also had plans to decorate the house with so many lovely displays, but that didn't happen either. I did put my patriotic mantle together, though. Pictured are photos of several people in my family who have served in our nation's armed forces.

We had a good time, though. My husband decided to take advantage of my sweet, gullible personality and came home with sparklers in his hand for the evening- only he didn't tell me they were sparklers. He said, "Look! These are the loudest fireworks. You can hear them 3 miles away! They're not even legal inside the city limits." I was all- "Oh, cool!" And then that was it. Until our guests arrived and I shared what he told me with them, too while they looked at me like I was a complete idiot. I guess I am!
I went to bed feeling so grateful to have good friends to celebrate with, an awesome family, and another sweet blessing on the way. Last fourth of July looked like this. This year?
Pregnant again!
We have a lot to celebrate.

Happy Birthday, America! You look good to be so old.

Linking up here:
Aunie Sauce


hmb said...

Me and my pal Lauren made that punch for her daughter's birthday and it turned out! But I kind of didn't like it b/c it only tasted like whatever flavor the drain thing was on. So I basically just had Gatorade. At least the presentation was cute!
Your pics are all so cute--love your headband!

#mommylife said...

aw congrats on the new blessing on the way! Also the nails and head band turned out cute!

Kristin said...

I give you credit for even trying those Pinterest finds. I mean, I look at them, but don't even Pin them because I know I'm not going to bother. Maybe someday...
That festive drink does look yummy though!

The New Normal said...

What a fun 4th of July party you had! I love the decor and food, great job :) And congrats again on the new blessing! How wonderful!!

Becca said...

Patriotic nails are fun. :)

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