*Whew- he stopped crying in the time it took me to make a salad and type the above paragraph.
He's sleeping peacefully and my heart is beating a million miles a minute. Anxiety? Pregnancy symptom? Both? I don't know. But as I tweeted earlier, sometimes I feel like I'm too selfish to be entrusted with one (and a half) beautiful, innocent babies. If there's any one person in the world that I'll do anything for it's my Baby K. I think he feels it- I think he knows I'll always be there and that I love him more than anything. Still, there are times throughout the day that I miss sleep. I miss hopping in the car to go to the post office and not have to pack a zillion items just in case or buckle another little body into the car, then into the baby carrier, and then into the car again. Then I feel guilty for thinking how easy it used to be.
I wouldn't trade my role as a mother for anything, but having another one and so soon is really scaring me. I feel drastically unprepared physically and emotionally. How can I expand my bubble of efficiently and lovingly caring for two children instead of just one? I can't believe God has deemed me capable of such blessings in my life. I'm grateful every day.
While I don't let Baby K cry longer than ten minutes at a time, it still makes me feel terribly hopeless because in that moment there's nothing else I can do for him. He doesn't want to be held. He doesn't want to play. All he wants is to fall off into a blissful sleep and I can't say that I blame him. That's all I want today, too.
I always have had major problems with letting my son cry it out. You just feel the need to fix it, even when you can't fix it. But sometimes you just need to take a break. Sometimes I just needed to shower, and he was going to cry with me or without me... so play pen he went and shower I did. Now that my son is 4 I send him to his room if he is crying over something super small, which has been his habit lately. I said you have the right to be sad and the right to express yourself and the right place to do that is in your room so that we can all get on with our business.
Fin was barely 4 months old when we found out Maddie was on her way. I had the same worries.
And I worried that I wouldn't love the 2nd as much as the first because they were SO close together.
Completely wrong.
It's not as hard as you thing it'll be.
And as for the showering, eating thing.... I rarely do either! Hahahaha.
*hugs* mama!! *hugs*
We all have moments like this :D
I wish I had something profound to say.... But, unfortunately, I don't since i'm only a momma to fur babies... But, just know that you are doing the best you can & you are one great momma!
I've started letting her cry more these days. It just has to happen, for my own sanity. Not that it's easy! Life with a baby certainly isn't easy. I do miss the more carefree days of being able to just go...
Hang in there. Youre doing a great job. Some days just suck.
I really hope you got a nap today. Or at least a minute to sit and take a deep breath. I feel like I should be ready to be a parent at 26 years old, but wow, I am so not. Thank you for being honest :)
Lord, our boys are so similar!!! Sam is definitely a cry-it-out baby. He is not one of those babies that can be rocked to sleep or soothed or one that even enjoys cuddling. So crying-it-out was really the only option for him. And lo and behold, it took all of 15 minutes that first night for him to pass out. WHO KNEW HE WANTED SLEEP TOO!?!?!?! (stabs eyes out)
Miss Molly, on the other hand, is very much irritated when she is left to cry. It just riles her up more. She likes to cuddle (for now), so we gotta go that route with her. I just think boys like to do things their own (more-complicated-than-is-necessary) way. You're doing great though. You gotta have time to take care of yourself, otherwise you wouldn't be prepared to take care of someone else too.
I hope he starts napping more consistently for you!!! Life seems to get really gets HARD when you can't count on that time....
Hey Mrs. K!
Just wanted to let you know I've given you the Liebster Award! :)
Check it out here.
P.S. Letting K cry it out so that you can perform daily needs isn't selfish, it's just good parenting. Taking care of yourself AND him = good parenting. :)
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