Monday, July 9, 2012

Just Admit It: Things You Did In College

Oh, law. I'll have to tread carefully with today's post. I typed up my usual monthly letter for my darling boy, but his actual 11 month birthday isn't until tomorrow so I wanted to save that and post it accordingly. See how organized I am? Anyway, I opened up my Google Reader to see if there were any interesting blog hops going on on this fine Monday morning. And what do I find? Michelle at You're My Favorite Today has started a new one! Without further ado:

The topic will change each week, but this week it's - Things You Did in College


Forgive me if I leave a few out, eh?

Well, most importantly, I graduated and survived so let's start with that:

I probably wouldn't have made it without the help of these people pictured here. I made some great friends in college and I miss them all terribly! These three could always make me laugh!

Other good things I did in college? I ran my first 5K with some friends from my high school-

I also visited with some HS pals at University of Tennessee's campus, too-
It was nice to see old friends. But then my sophomore year rolled around and I began to meet new friends so I stayed on my own campus much more often. I had a sweet condo that was right near campus within walking distance of my classes. Life was good.

I didn't have much trouble with grades so I had some free time that I usually spent at the bar or at the gym. Oh, the priorities we have when we're young.

I don't really like the person I was in college. I probably definitely partied a bit too much- not proud of that. But I did have this totally awesome game that I forced all my friends to play. It was called "the emotions game" and I would pick an emotion that everyone had to act out for my camera.

This particular one was "surprised". Note: I have no idea who that girl in the background is. Ha! It's a fun game, what can I say? The people like to play.

This one was "melancholy"-

This could also be filed under "wore ridiculously skanky Halloween costumes". This particular year, I was too poor to buy a costume so I went shopping at Goodwill and found this little jewel....IN THE CHILDREN'S SECTION! Yes, this little cat number was meant for an eight year old. (Oh, and that ring? Totally fake. I wore it so no one would hit on me.)

Some of my best college costumes were crafted with the help of Goodwill. I made this Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader outfit, too. A little risque but what can I do about it now except make fun of myself?

Oh, they weren't all in bad taste. In 2006, I was Jerry Rice:

I knew how to have fun.

I traveled a lot...

I attempted to learn to play the guitar...

And I made some great girlfriends who I still talk to (most of them) to this day...

I also:
*joined various educational clubs
*ran two half marathons
 I met my husband and survived our first deployment and my first year of graduate school simultaneously.

I did a lot of things I'm not so proud of, but some wonderful things happened in my life while I attended  college, too. I'm so thankful for each experience because they've all shaped me into who I am today. God has brought me a long way, baby and I hope he keeps on workin' on me some more.

Do you have some college memories you need to admit? Head over Michelle's way.


Chantal said...

College was fun! I would've done a few things differently though...

Kristin said...

A post like this is a great way to recap memories from what seems like SO long ago. I didn't blog then, so I depend on my photos!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

I love this! My college experience was very similar. Class, gym, drink. Slutty halloween costumes.

I like grown up me a lot better!

The New Normal said...

Sounds a lot like my college career! It was a lot of fun, but I did some pretty dumb things too...oh the memories :)

Becca said...

Haha! Love the skanky costume. Sounds like a very fun college experience. You did some great things :)

Caitlin Cavallaro said...

I absolutely looove this post! Especially how you would pick an emotion and have everyone act it out! HILARIOUS! And who DIDN'T wear ridiculously skanky halloween costumes and party a taddddd too much?!?!

I also met my hubby in college....!!

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