Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Currently (#2)

Want to know what's currently going on in the life of Mrs. K? Well, I'll tell ya...

I'm currently excited to announce that I'm now selling Scentsy! If you're living under a rock, I'll let you know that I've been diggin' their products for a long time now and you should try some out, too. Scentsy is a yummy smelling alternative to candles. Their wickless warmers are absolutely delicious (or at least they'll leave your home smelling that way!). That's not all that is offered, though. I'm excited to get this business rolling and I'd love if you were a part of it! Please go check out my page and order if you'd like or contact me with any questions.

Currently Reading:
I am now reading A Scattered Life. I'll be honest, I only purchased it on my kindle because it was under $2 and I was in that sad phase when you finish a book you haven't been able to put down. I'm only a few chapters in, but I will let you know how it is. The book I just finished is Bloom by blogger Kelle Hampton.
I've been all about bloggers turned published novelists and authors partly because I'd like to support them and partly because I envy them. I've heard a lot of good reviews on this book. I thought it was good- interesting. I enjoyed reading her raw emotions from the birth of her 2nd born until now. Her journey makes me wonder what I'm capable of in other areas of my life. I don't think I enjoyed the book as much as most, though. There were just a few small things that irked me about it that I can't quite put my finger on. I don't know if that's because I just can't understand what she was thinking/feeling or if I'm simply envious of her rare ability to not hold back- to tell all.

Currently Mad About:
This DirectTV business! Viacom, DirectTV- whoever is responsible for ridding me of my weekly reality show fixes. Unacceptable. I mean, why am I paying the same price I was paying, but now I'm short several popular channels? And they're channels I actually watch! I don't like it one bit. I look forward to moving and handing them our military orders and washing our hands of tv all together. It's garbage anyway, am I right? But man...that garbage is entertaining.

Currently Counting Down To:
* Captain J's ETS date (get out of the Army date) is now set in stone established. It just so happens to fall on our anniversary, too. Oh, happy day! I'm excited to start this next chapter despite all the uncertainty that it brings with it.
* Also? I have potential trips in my future. Nothing big or anything, but we'll see if it pans out. 
* Baby K's first birthday is coming up! I can't believe it.

Currently Pinning:

Source: someecards.com via Mrs. on Pinterest

Source: someecards.com via Mrs. on Pinterest

Note: I'm fully aware that people probably think that about K Baby from time to time!

Currently Thankful:
Well, I'm thankful for a lot but I'm really really thankful to Pinterest in this moment. I practically burnt the fingerprint off my right thumb while making a pizza. I quickly ran to the computer and typed in "burn remedy"- Voila! It said to rub egg whites on the burn, an old wives tale. Not one to question old wives, I did so and I'm here to tell ya- an hour later, the pain was gone. I'm typing with the thumb now (obviously). I can still see it, but it doesn't hurt. Thank you, thank you Pinterest!

One more thing- Have you entered my Current Giveaway?
You've got a few days left to do so. It's for Target and PayPal! Enter here.

What's going on in your world?


Anonymous said...

I need some scentsy!! I will contact you within the next few weeks (back to school shopping top priority for now) and order some!

I heard about that book Bloom. Read what it was about and said "no thanks". As a mother myself, I just can't bring myself to read a story like that. I hope that doesn't come off bad... but I am not into sad stories. I read The Lovely Bones. Bawled my eyes out. And I refuse to read anything else that is sad. So I stick to horror novels and my mommy porn! LOL! (I am currently reading The Ruins! Spoooooooooky!!)

Jenn said...

How was I not following you on Pinterest before now???? (Problem solved, btw.) I pin like crazy when I pump or feed Molly. It's an addiction, and yes, I do need help. That's why I'm following you now. You can help me find more great pins. ;)

Yayayay for an ETS date!! Excited for y'all!

Anonymous said...

So glad you are on my Scentsy team! Yay!

I was in the minority with Bloom. In fact, I didn't even finish it, and I sold it...because it irked me that much. :\

Amber Nicole said...

Are you guys getting out? Oh my gosh, when? Exciting!
We're lifers. We both go back and forth on how we feel about that.
We considered getting out about 2 years ago. Almost did then they promoted him.
We had it all planned out too.

Also, bloom?! Need to read?? Yes or no?

#mommylife said...

lol egg whites? hmm good to know! and gotta love Pinterest!

Fran said...

oh my god, I love both those meecards or whatever they're called haha - and I can't believe DirecTV is still all blah, sorry :/

Mrs. Nix said...

YAY! ETSing is so exciting. Congratulations! I'll have to check out your Scentsy shop when I can snag some extra cash. :)

Mrs. Duh said...

The Direct TV thing would be so frustrating! I hope they catch some serious heat from all this. I'll have to remember the egg thing for a burn - Good Advice!

I also nominated your blog for a Liebster Award, because it's a great blog! Feel free to hop over to my page to check it out! http://mrsduh.blogspot.com/2012/07/another-little-bloggy-award.html

Chantal said...

ETS date? Ahhh. I couldn't even imagine. That scares me :P

Karen said...

an ETS date? That's exciting - my hubby is a lifer - the contracts up here are MUCH longer, he has another 20 years lol. But I think I'm okay with that (well really, I have to be okay with it, I don't have a choice lol). And yay for Scentsy!! I'm still considering maybe selling it... but I'm still on the fence lol.

Becca said...

I should get some scentsy now that I am an irresponsible candle owner...I won't even tell you that story. But yeah. I'll put it on my to do list :)

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