Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's just after midnight and I'm wide awake. This is unfortunate because the house is empty, my husband is sleeping, I just read the last page of a good book, and I have nothing to do but listen to the odd noises that only an empty house can create. To sum this feeling up, I will say that I'm anxious.

Anxious to be in warmer weather (Tuesday the low is 16 below). Anxious to make this long drive. I'm worried about the dogs and putting up with their whiney hiney(ies) all the way to Georgia. I'm sad to leave the friends I've made. I worry about getting our next house in order in time to go home to visit for Christmas. I worry about finding our next house. I worry about my lack of time to shop for everyone for Christmas. Why am I so stressed?

The Army makes moving fairly easy, right?

I know I need to take a chill pill, but I feel like I'm a child again and it's the very night before my family leaves on a big vacation. The only difference is- a trip to Disney World isn't tomorrow- processing out of Ft. Wainwright, Alaska is. It's just so strange. And bittersweet.


kimbodarlin said...

You just worry about getting yourself to the South, chickie! Do not worry about Christmas shopping...having you home is gift enough...but you have a mom, step-mom, mother-in-law and sister that would be happy to shop for you and have it waiting on you when you get here!! Just give us a list! Love ya....

Jenn said...

Try not to stress about all the little things like Christmas shopping and setting up the house. I understand the anxiety when it comes to finding a house. To help that try looking online at local housing or for agencies to rent from. I strongly suggest visiting the neighborhoods at night to see what you think of the area. Unpacking comes with time and you'll have the major stuff done right away. Just remember everything will fall into place! But for now, all you can do is enjoy the ride to your new state and take lots of pics for all of us to see. Safe travels Mrs. K and Captain J!

dad said...

That's right just having you guys here is gift enough. Be careful driving home. I am very anxious to see you guys.

carissa said...

I'm sorry you're so stressed!! In know you know this, but sometimes it helps to hear: There is no use worrying about.... it's not going to change anything or make things easier. You'll get everything done.

I do wish you didn't have to leave your friends... but you'll be happy soon enough!

Dave Weigle said...

Just remember Bob Bitchin's quote (from Seafaring magazine): "Attitude, the difference between an Ordeal and an Adventure". And your Momma and Poppa are right, there's a whole bunch of people that have your back in the South!

Mrs. S. said...

Crazy! You guys be safe!

Mrs. K said...

I can't wait to get home. Thanks for the advice and encouragement y'all :)

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