Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Dog Day Birthday!

Guess who had a birthday?! My little D-Nugget did. Drifter is moving into his adult years. We celebrated his first birthday on October 31, 2010. As a Halloween puppy, we should have known what kind of mischief we were in for when we adopted him. There have been many days that I wanted to throw in the towel, but I'm so glad I didn't. He has calmed down so much, but we still have a long road of training ahead of us. Just the other day, I let him outside to relieve himself and when I came downstairs five minutes later to let him in I found him eating Arctic Melt. In a panic, I called the vet to see if he would meet an untimely death but she assured me that he would be fine- just uber thirsty! It's moments like those that make me realize how much I love that little dog.

We got him a huge bone that he found quite challenging to maneuver. Here's a video (especially for Miss Tiffany who suggested I post a dog vlog) we took before we handed over the enormous birthday treat. The other cutie patootie in the video is our older dog, Holly.

Here are some photos of them in their Halloween garb-

Poor souls.

We did take them to the dog park to play in the snow, though- an activity a little more up their alley than playing dress-up. I like to take them as much as possible now because they might not see snow for a long, long time when we move to GA. Enjoy some more photos!

My sweet Holly- always checking in.

Drifter-always running off to his next adventure

Holly's quick, too!

The best of friends!

If you've made it this far in this post then you must be an animal lover (or just really bored) so allow me to recommend a blog for you. You should definitely check out Where Spirits Walk blog if you love dogs or are interested in dog mushing. This lady has a whole slew of huskies that she works with, mushes with, and rescues!

Also, if you're in the Fairbanks area and need someone to take care of your furry friends while you're away, call up Holy Dog Pet Boarding. They are so sweet and very helpful and convenient! We always leave Drifter and Holly with them when we go out of town.

 And now for one last picture-

Happy Birthday, Drifter! You'll always be my first kid before a kid, my Braxton Hicks, if you will. ;) Hopefully, if we ever do reproduce, our son or daughter won't be half the handful that you were to us that first year.


Tiffany said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE it :) :) but they were cracking me up when they were walking with the bone... did Holly get any of it? cause Drifter looked like he was about to go to town! lol. Thanks Kacy! Made my night :) and Happy Birthday Drifter!!

Mrs. K said...

Holly chews on it every now and then but usually she just likes to carry bones around in her mouth. Goofy! You are very welcome, dear. Thanks for the suggestion!

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