Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wouldn't you like to know

I hesitated writing on this blog today. I haven't really written much at all anywhere actually. As I sat down to write some book notes, I realized I was in no mood to do so. My mind is out in left field, on other things. There's so much on my brain and I can't seem to focus on any one thing. I've literally done absolutely nothing today. I had plans to finish the laundry, deep clean the kitchen, and write a couple thousand words but I have done none of these things. I did accomplish writing my deepest concerns, secretive thoughts, and most interesting desires in my journal, though.

Wouldn't you like to know what's in that? ;)

When I joined the blogosphere, my journaling declined greatly. It has only been in the last few months that I've picked up the pen and paper again. Having that one release to be able to go to at any point in the day and say whatever I want is something that keeps me sane. If anyone were to read it, they'd find prayers, secrets, irrational thoughts, passionate feelings, prayer lists, bible studies, flaws, happiness, despair, and love.

There are excellent benefits to journaling. Check them out!

Inside my journal, I wrote-
"The unexamined life is not worth living."- Socrates

There's my stance! How do you feel about it? Have you ever kept a journal?


Mowenackie said...

My journaling has declined since I started my blog as well. I wish I had more time to write because there are lots of thoughts I'd love to jot down that aren't necessarily blog appropriate. I've kept a journal - with varying degrees of regularity - since I was 16. I have something like eleven of them and I love reading them over again from time to time. It's rather fascinating, actually...

carissa said...

Oh yes. I've kept a journal since I was like 8. They are ridiculous... but I'm so glad I have those to look back on. It's a little depressing that not a lot has progressed since turning 15, but still. I'm glad I have that. Even now, I'm never without a notebook. They aren't so much journals these days... but they do contain journal entries in between the random thoughts, ideas for blogs and sketches, and little doodles. I would feel naked without a notebook... and would die JUST die if anyone read it!

Mrs. S. said...

My writing has declined since blogging started for me two years ago. I always say and think, "I need to write. I know I need to." but I never do.

Mrs. K said...

@Mowenackie- I love going back through mine, too. It's so neat to see how much I've grown in some ways and where I'm slacking in others, ya know?
@Carissa- I have journals from wayyy back, as well! I've also recently begun to put mine in my purse so when I forget it, I feel all icky. Pretty sure icky is going to turn to naked soon. I need that little book!
@Mrs. S- Start carrying it with you, I bet you'll find time to write in it more often if you see it all the time. Side note- Thanks for posting that guest post about moving/PCSing. So helpful!

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