Monday, March 21, 2011

My fears this week- conflict, pollen, and poo

It's gettin' scary 'round these parts.

First of all (the actually scary events), the crises in Japan and now Libya are quickly moving to the forefront of many minds. As civilians, we worry about all those people affected. As a military family, there's the added worry that our loved ones will be carted off to help out in each of these places with very different missions. I've noticed that many people in the blogging community are confused (myself included) on what is going on in Libya. To remedy that, I thought I'd add some simplified information that I've found so that we'll all better understand without all the conservative/liberal biases that plague the media and news these days.

*Where is Libya? Libya is a country located in North Africa.

*What the heck is going on anyway? It's the angry dictator scenario again. The Libyan people are fed up. Protests broke out mid February sending the fourth largest country in Africa into chaos. Protesters were mistreated, beaten, jailed, or even killed for their actions.

*The UN agreed a "no fly zone" was to be activated earlier in March, which in itself is seen as an act of war.

*Who is involved? Britain and France are the frontrunners but many other Allied countries are supportive, too. This includes the US of A, as you've likely already gathered.

*Who is this Qadhafi I keep hearing about? He's the said angry dictator and leader of Libya.

*What does this mean for U.S. troops? Our military men and women are NOT being sent into Libya, but they are currently occupying bordering countries and/or ships on the Mediterranean Sea.

For more detailed and up to date information, use google people! Those are the basics, though as I know them. If you're wondering how this might affect Captain J and me, I will say that I hope it doesn't affect us in the slightest. Of course, I never know when the big bad Army will take him away and for what reason, but I will say that this is NOT a worry of ours at the moment. As many of you know, Captain J is in the middle of a career course and isn't scheduled to leave me and this sweet lil baby in my tummy anytime soon. Fingers crossed.

That's my teeny tiny little military spouse knowledge of the day on the happenings in Libya. Take it or leave it!

Now, I'd like to adjust the focus an ounce to some things that are scary for me personally. For instance...

Spring has sprung in ole Georgia! I'm currently reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, so I thought I'd relax on the swing outside for a few while I enjoyed my book. A quick dusting off of the swing cushion to remove leaves left me with a lot more than a leaf-free place to sit! I removed my hand to find tons of icky yellow stuff all over it. Pollen galore.

Usually my allergies don't strike until April, but that was when I lived in TN. Let us not forget that I skipped allergies all together in that glorious time period when we resided in the fresh, cool Alaskan air. Ahh! Now, I'm all "ahh-choo" instead. Oh well.

It is quite warm here. We had a small get together the other night complete with new friends, a bonfire, grill food and guitars. It doesn't get much better than that, does it? It might just be too hot for this knocked up gal, though. 80 degrees still feels like the seventh layer of h-e- double hockey sticks to me sometimes. What happened to my southern roots? Alaska stays with me in more ways than one, I'm afraid.


Are you ready for the scariest thing of all?

I don't know that you are.

I'm not. But here we go...

I've spent much of this morning researching this little company- Thirsties. It's a company (American-made!) that makes modern cloth diapers. You read that correctly- I'm entertaining the idea of using reusables. This, from the girl who almost blew chunks on her first nephew while attempting to change a very dirty diaper.

Poor kid. He adjusted just fine, though ;)

I'm hoping I have come or will have come a long way since those days once my own child arrives.

Don't worry. I'm not going all crunchy, hippie, granola on you or anything. I just think it's the smart thing to do financially. At this point, I'm only thinking about it- weighing the pros and cons. It wouldn't be a strictly cloth diapers kind of thing, but it would be nice to use them while the baby is home and/or at night sleeping. You all think I'm nuts right now, don't you?

I know I do.

Captain J will likely hate this idea, too.

But, maybe, just maybe I might try to do this. Perhaps I can say (on top of all my other responsibilities when the baby arrives), I'll also be saving the world one nasty cloth instead of plastic diaper at a time.

Or not. We'll see.


sespi said...

The pollen here is awful! We don't open our windows when it gets really bad (like when you can actually see clouds of pollen outside) which makes the house really stuffy.

And I love your analysis of Libya :) Very to the point!

rayna said...

Just wanted to let you know we cloth diaper full time! If you need any help or have questions.....and you will, feel free to email me. And, I am one of those crunchy oatmeal type people! Lol.

Miranda said...

Check out Goodmama diapers. Rayna cloth diapers! Those are her favorite, and she has used many different ones. They are soooo cute, but some get a lil pricey (a lot pricey sometimes =/) There is like a whole lingo that comes with, very similar to bloggy people.

Leshuana said...

I thouhgt the thought of using cloth diapers (while I was prego) was a agood thought. :) One thing to check into is the sanatizing aspect when the baby gets a little bigger. This is the fist thing my mom (a mother of fou kids, and who has babysat for like 35 years back when you HAD to use cloth diapers) pointed out to me when I was pondering the idea. Apparently when the baby hits a certain age you have to go about cleaning them in a different way because of the amonia in urine.

That being said, you might want to use when that precious little one is so tiny. :) I know when Shayden was a newborn we went through TONS of diapers (especially if you nurse). I think one time I counted, we went through like 4 or 5 diapers in one setting.

Just a thought! I think you are a very brave woman if you do this! I will say though, I still like the thoughts of usin cloth diapers. :)

Mowenackie said...

I love the idea of cloth diapers! But then, I am a tree-hugger. And I'm not a mother. So what do I know? But still think you should do it, to whatever degree you are able.

"S" Loving Wife said...

I am going to be CD'ing. A friend of mine is sending me ones that her son used, and then I am also looking at the Fuzzi Bunz because my sister had good success with them.

YAY we're also using Seventh Generation disposables since they are a little more environmentally friendly and they don't have all those smells to them, I almost got light headed by the Pampers some one gave me the other day.

Leshuana said...

Oh, and I forgot the fact that my mom accidentally flushed her diamond ring down the toliet while flushing poo from a dirty cloth diaper. LOL Her ring was too big and i just slipped off... I guess she had already flushed the toliet when it came off. So beware! ha ha

Jenn said...

That is a hot topic right now. I would like to cloth diaper our future kids. I have talked it over with hubby and he is on board being that he was CD i believe. I have mentioned it in passing to my mother and boy was that a bad idea. She firmly believes in disposables and what not. I am not a crunchy person by any means but financially it makes sense to me. Just know no matter what you chose to do whether you CD or not, Someone is going to have something to say it (positive and negative) Kinda how everyone reacts to strongly to the topic of breastfeeding.

Rayna said...

I have cloth diapered since Peyton was 2 months. Cloth is not what people think it is. It does not have the same options, there are so many choices and the same diaper one mom loves another mom may hate. It is not hard to cloth diaper. It is a lot healthier for your baby. The same chemicals used in disposables (dioxin) is banned in most countries. Yuck! So anyway, I could go on and on about cloth and how great it is. I will be honest, I don't cloth diaper to save money, lol, I cloth diaper for the planet and for the health of my baby. But saving money is great too! If you have any questions, and you will, email me! Also, you should look into fuzzibunz cloth diapers, those and goodmamas are the best!

Beth said...

We cloth diaper AJ. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I follow you on Twitter (@ThisAmericanWif), or you can check out my blog!

Miranda said...

Hey! You found her blog! And you posted before me, how'd that happen? Weird.

Miranda said...

And ps. You are totally not crunchy. lol

Mrs. K said...


Pink Combat Boots said...

Hey, if you go with cloth, you should write about how it works for you and what works best. My mom used cloth diapers (except when dad was babysitting - he would just throw the cloth diapers out if they needed changed, or when we were away from home). My hubby really wants to do the same thing (says he doesn't want our child's diapers filling up a landfill somewhere - he's a environmental engineer), though I'm a little nervous about cloth. I remember raising my brothers that way and it being pretty messy. But, I figure by the time we have children, there should be a pretty good system worked out. :) Best of luck!

Candace @Army Wives' Lives said...

I'm fairly crunchy but I don't cloth diaper...but I know a lot of mamas find it quite convenient.

I just wanted to say that, trust me, it is very different when it is your kid! Somehow, it just isn't as gross. And breastfed infants' diapers are less icky...until you introduce solids, at least.

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