I think our society is intrigued by wealthy individuals. It's the age old yearning to "keep up with the Joneses". It's the attractiveness of being able to have what you want, when you want it. My generation definitely has a tendency to expect instant gratification so I think that's why I, personally, enjoy learning about the extravagant lives of those who seem to have an endless supply of money.
This new show on ABC highlights the lives of both worlds, the wealthy and the less fortunate. Secret Millionaire allows individuals to integrate into another life, one that doesn't have the perks that money can bring.
I was excited to learn that the first episode took place in Knoxville, TN. Being from that area, I enjoyed hearing about the various community projects and nonprofit organizations that I never even knew existed! In the first episode, we get to meet Dani Johnson. Formerly homeless, she started her own business out of the trunk of her car and now is happily married, financially secure, and a mother and business woman. She experienced the impoverished area of Western Heights, where she found many opportunities to help out the local community. Dani lived off of $40/week as she scoured the community to find places to help out. She discovered The Love Kitchen, The Joy of Music, and Special Spaces to donate her time to, and unbeknownst to these organizations, her money, as well.
After working with these individuals who make the organizations happen, Dani began to realize that "We idolize all the wrong people." The show takes a peek into the lives of caring, selfless individuals who work hard to make others' lives more enjoyable. Those are the real heroes, aren't they?
The series premiere is Sunday, March 6th at 8/7c on ABC. You should check it out! It might make you cry, though. I know I teared up when Dani revealed that she would be gifting money to deserving individuals. The joy, surprise, and gratitude in their faces was priceless.
If you'd like to learn more about the show, click on this link and be sure to tune in on Sunday!
Wow! I think I'll have to add this show to my "must watch" list. Thanks for making me cry first thing today. Psh! Love you and miss you! You're doing awsome things! Keep it up!
The video didn't work :( but I will record it tonight. That is awesome that they asked you to do a review on the show. Great job!
Oops! I didn't even check it to make sure it would work. Sorry about that.
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