Thursday, March 3, 2011

some books to add to your shelf

In an effort to not think about the fact that my husband won't be home until late tonight, I thought I'd write a post.  I suppose I could tell you about how ridiculous I looked earlier when I put on an old baby doll style dress, forgetting that my big pregnant belly was large and in charge. I could tell you about my busy, eventful day of grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, folding laundry, and scrubbing toilets, but that's boring, huh? Perhaps you'd rather hear how I'm currently watching a Miley Cirus movie? Oh, life is very exciting today!

Instead, I'll fill you in on some books I've read lately:

Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton is another one of those darn vampire stories. Luckily, those are some of my favorite kind of stories! Anita Blake, works for the police as a zombie raiser. The supernatural world collided with her world long ago. Her history with the supernatural ties into a brand new twisted plot that she finds herself smack dab in the middle of after what seemed like a fairly innocent night of celebrating with a friend. If you like the vampire novels, you should feed your addiction with this. If not, I wouldn't recommend it to you. The book was enjoyable, but not in a rock my socks off kind of way.

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil is really interesting, especially if you're able to visit Savannah and see the streets and homes the book discusses. Written by John Berendt, this nonfiction work is centered around the murder of Danny Hansford. Jim Williams, a prominent antique dealer is accused and tried for his murder, all while claiming his shots were fired in self defense. I really liked this book and there's a movie, too! I haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet, though.

I'm always drawn to those stories of people who claim to experience Heaven. What awesome stories of faith! This is precisely why I had to get Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent. Todd tells the incredible story that his son Colton rehashed to him over several years. A health problem lands Colton in emergency surgery. He claims to have gone to Heaven briefly during the procedure. Amazingly, Colton could tell his family exactly what each of them were doing while he was under the knife. His incredible knowledge of biblical characters and happenings are inexplicable for his four year old self which leads me to believe that this miracle really happened. Loved this quick read.

Now, I'm reading America By Heart by Sarah Palin.

That's enough for now. Don't forget...tomorrow I have a special review post so be sure to come back then and check it out!


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