Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pineapple Visitors

I had such a good weekend! How was yours? It was dreary and rainy here in ole Georgia, but I didn't mind because it made for good sleeping, good shopping, and good cuddling in with my husband for some movie watching. My best friends from high school (and way before that) made the drive south to visit yours truly. I was so happy to see them and have them visit me for a change. Needless to say, we didn't have many visitors in Alaska. It's a pretty penny to get up there!

Miranda, Laura, and I enjoyed a dinner on Friday evening at a local place and got to catch up with each other. It's not always easy to do when I go home to visit because there are always so many places to go and many people to see. On Saturday we slept in a bit and then went to do some shopping, although I think I'm the only one that had any luck. I bought a new dress which I tried out today at church!

I'm having troubles finding clothes to fit. While the rest of my body is still in a size 4, my belly is protruding too much for that. If I go a size up, it looks awkward in the arms and chest. Captain J keeps telling me, "that's why they make maternity clothes" but so far I've refused. I'm thankful to be obviously pregnant now. I smile when strangers tell me congratulations or even better, when the cook at Japanese restaurants gives me extra portions "for the baby."

After my girls left, I pouted and threw a hissy fit I took up residence on the couch with J and we watched a free movie rental! He had been making banana nut bread so we had a few bites slices of that, too. I like my husband a whole lot!

To top off my fun weekend of doing nothing much at all, we were finally able to find a church that we both really enjoy. I'm so happy that our search is over and we have a place to look forward to going on Sundays. I'm still looking into getting involved during the week, too. I'll quit rambling now....

I have an appointment with words with friends. ;)


Alyson said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend! Maternity clothes are not all as bad as you apparantly think. Two of my favorite skirts are maternity and I'm thinking about getting pregnant again just so I can wear them lol

Mrs. K said...

haha I'm sure they're not too bad I just don't want to spend money on clothes that I won't be able to wear after the baby is born. Am I being cheap? lol

Laura said...

Sometimes gray, cloudy weekends are nice and cozy! Sounds like you had a good one!

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