Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pregnant With Laughter- Part 2

It's time again for my weekly blog hop where we all get to dish out our funny stories involving pregnancy, motherhood, or just funny kids in general. Welcome to:

I'd love for you to join in! Just link up below and feel free to take the above photo if you'd like. Today's story I have to blame on these crazy, insane pregnancy hormones-

Having recently woken up from a nap (and a terrifying dream), you can imagine that I wasn't in the best of moods. In the dream, a new disease was threatening our already scary existence here on this planet. Unfortunately, people were having symptoms that just couldn't be explained unless you had a KFC menu in hand.

Wait. Are you lost? I should back up to explain a bit more.

I did, in fact, mean Kentucky Fried Chicken in the above acronym. You see, people were finding themselves being taken over by a disease that turned their entire bodies into the consistency of fried chicken. Faces were unrecognizable. Arms and legs were resembling chicken thighs. People we knew and loved were starting to look...tasty. Ok, I kid. It was awful. The affected individuals were haunting my nightmares and with good reason. I might be traumatized. Maybe.

Anyway, I don't recall what happened in this dream. I just know that it was one of the wackiest I've had to date.

Back to reality...

Later, I burst into tears, trying and failing to hide this from my dear husband. He rolled over in the bed, asking me if I was crying. Tears streaming down my face and sniffling in full force, I of course replied, "No." He never believes me.

He said (love his heart), "I promise when you tell me I won't try to fix it. Just tell me what's wrong".

After stuttering a bit, I realized that I had no idea what was wrong with me. Searching my brain frantically to come up with the source of my anxiety, I stalled. What was I to say?

You hurt my feelings 6 months, 8.5 days ago!


I had a dream our dogs died.


Oh, my achin' back!

No. Couldn't say any of that.

Instead, I finally chose the truth-

"I have no idea why I'm crying!" (insert severe sobbing and confusion).

Captain J simply hugged me and said he would always be here for me.

Apparently that satisfied me because three minutes later I was in the kitchen preparing a grilled cheese with a smile on my face.

Like I've said a lot lately, I'm ready for my normal hormones again. The sane ones. The ones that don't make me a loony toon. Meanwhile, I'm racking up all kinds of stories that'll be sure to make me giggle when I'm old and gray!

Do share your stories with me this week! If you don't have a blog, feel free to put them in the comment section. I'll leave the link open until next weeks entry so join in anytime.


Nicki McMasters said...

I really do not want to tell you that the hormonal outbursts get worse before they get better! I have never cried so much in all my life as when I watched the show "Coming Home" on Lifetime Sunday night or "Secret Millionaire" on ABC Sunday night. I also usually end up crying most of the way throu]]><![CDATA[gh the worship service at church. I'm not talking about a teary eye...I'm talking about sobbing to the point of red blotchy spots and mascara running down my face. Sundays have definitely became a non-eye makeup day! My church friends and Sunday night tv-watching buddies have come to know me as the "crier." I hope I return to normal soon. I'd hate for them to think of me as such a softie. =)

Oh, and the dreams are CRAZY for me too...two nights ago, I was Kate Middleton about to marry Prince William and last night, I was trying to escape a building where a bomb was about to go off, and on the way out, I was arrest for the attempted terrorist attack. Where does this stuff come from? No one has been KFC yet, lol! Sounds to me like you are having some chicken cravings!

Beth Makowski said...

I am SO relieved to know that I am not the only one who one second is laughing and the next crying for no reason. I took the dogs to Petsmart the other day to be groomed. After I managed to drag two dogs across the parking lot and through the store (where everyone has to stop to pet & talk to them), they proceed to tell me that I DO NOT HAVE AN APPOINTMENT WITH THEM. I said ok, and calmly walked (dragged two dogs) out to my car and had a MAJOR BREAKDOWN. All because my dogs could not get a Kyle called and was freaking out because I was crying. He knew I had a doctor appointment that day, so he immediately thought something was wrong with the baby. I said, "No everything is fine with the baby, but the dogs still look like wooly worms". He called Petsmart and gave them a "what for" because they made his pregnant wife cry. Oh the things we preggos go through...

Jeanna said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog :o) We are near Augusta, GA. My fiance is National Guard so he is "stationed" in Graniteville, SC... but he gets to live at home during the week and only drills one weekend a month :)

Jenn said...

hahaha I am so going to be like that!

Mrs. K said...

I cry at shows now, too, Nicki. It's bad--they've never really affected me in that way before. And your dreams are hilarious. The terrorist one sounds like it was pretty scary! I hope since you were Kate that you added my name to the invite list because I found the perfect hat to wear at a thrift store the other day! ;)

Mrs. K said...

Bless Kyle's heart for standing up for you! How sweet. I couldn't stop laughing during your description because I can just see it! You poor thing. That would be frustrating. I know how annoying it is trying to get the two of my dogs anywhere for an appointment. It's all hands on deck.

Pregnant With Laughter- Part 3 « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] plagues me. Today I’m going to tell you about another dream I had. Not quite as weird as the KFC epidemic, but it might still make you giggle. If you have a story to share about your pregnancy experiences [...]

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