Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Diddly Squats


I haven't had a good run in awhile. I haven't weighed-in in awhile. Exercise hasn't been a top priority of mine. I'm in a huge rut and honestly, I haven't tried very hard to get out of it. I want to climb out, but I must not want it bad enough because I'm still here. When I do have time to workout, like I did this morning, I choose to do other things: homework, clean, relax. There are two things stopping me:

1. I get very few minutes of "me" time. If the boys are (by some miracle of God) sleeping at the same time then I get about an hour to get a workout in and shower. I wish I could take them to childcare and go to a gym for uninterrupted workouts but that's just not in the budget right now. I know...excuses, excuses.

Source: someecards.com via Mrs. on Pinterest

2. I have felt icky lately. Sluggish and tired. I wonder if I'm not eating enough calories (since I'm breastfeeding) or if I'm just eating too much crap. It's probably a combo of both. I have had so much chocolate lately (that I don't regret by the way) that it no longer feels like such a treat. It's more like an essential part of my day. Not good.

I haven't weighed-in because I've GAINED two pounds.

Previous Weight: 128
Current Weight: 130

I look in the mirror and I don't like what I see. I see a capable woman yet she's aging prematurely, she's tired, and she's freakin' hungry. I can't stop eating. 

I'm going to try to focus on these inspiring pins/words this afternoon and get this week turned around:

What are your fitness goals? How are they progressing?


Jen said...

I'm sorry that you are feeling sluggish and in a rut lately. I am feeling the same way. :/ Sometimes being on vacation isn't all it's cracked up to me when you lose a routine. I hope you get some energy back! :)

Kristin said...

Aside from the 2 kids part (which is actually a pretty big part), I get this. I've come to depend on chocolate everyday. It's not a treat. It's an addiction.I almost wish I could get addicted to wine like everyone else! I like it, but not enough to have-to-have-it.
Anyway, I don't eat enough during the day and am starving by the time it's pre-snack gym time. And then I eat too much junk at night. If I can get to the gym, I do well. If I can make up an excuse, I flounder and end up on the couch with a bag of Craisins or a bowl of ice cream.
I am TERRIFIED of falling out of my routine when we move. I've already looked into gyms in Missouri, and I'm compiling workouts I can do on the road. It may seem obssessive (and probably is), but I know what it's like to have to climb out of a rut and I don't want to do that after the progress I've made.
I hope that YOU can find the motivation. I still think you're in awesome shape for having 2 babies so close together. Be proud of what you've already accomplished, K!

Chantal said...

I planned on getting to the fitness thing this week, but then I got a cold, and ain't nobody got time for that. So I've been chilling. Once my nose is done being filled with grossness, I'll get back to running and lifting things other than a toddler.

If you're feeling sluggish, up your good carbs. Fruits and stuff. Breastfeeding really takes a toll on you!

Becca said...

Hahaha!! I love it.

CeCe said...

Work out ruts suck! There sadly just isn't enough time in the day or I'm certain that at least for me; I wouldn't have that problem. I've turned into a chocolate junkie because of work stress and I feel like my weight is all over the place. You are not alone! Hope you start to get back on track again soon.

ines said...

that sucks :( but you have 2 very adorable good excuses. its not like you are sitting around doing nothing, you are a mom with 2 boys and understandable that when you have moments to do "me" things that working out isn't one of them.
unfortunately, when i dont exercise i dont have a good excuses. I tell myself that I have to do it, that if I don't do it today then tomorrow I'm going to make up another excuses and so forth and so forth.

as far as goals, i just want to be fit. i dont need muscles, i just want some toning. I'll be honest when I say I'm not the healthiest eater, but I try to salvage that by working out. I'm trying to loose a little bit of weight and tone my jiggles. I dont know how much weight I want to lose because i dont own a scale (i refuse to buy one)...i just estimate by how much looser my pants/jeans are.

i hope you get out of this funk soon!!!

JG said...

I'm sorry you're in a rut. since starting this job, making time for exercise has been the biggest challenge. I'm so close to my first goal, but every day I don't exercise it feels so far away!

Anonymous said...

I def. feel you on the 2 kids, no time thing. Luckily, I have access to childcare. I would say, just throw them in the stroller and go. That's what I did when my oldest was younger. He complained at the start of the run but fell asleep quickly. :)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

Have you looked into the local YMCA? We belonged to one in NC and it was very affordable and had free childcare!

Angie said...

I understand everything you are saying. I need chocolate to get through my day. It is hard to find free time with two little kids. If mine nap at the same time, I find myself cleaning like a mad woman or sleeping.

Kathryn B said...

I know how you feel. I need to work out, but finding the motivation and the time is really hard. I keep making excuses too. HOpefully one day I will get off my butt and get something done. There just aren't enough hours in the day. :) Hang in there, you'll get it :)

Susannah said...

I'm sorry you're feeling this way, girlie. I'm hoping you get your energy and will power will be back soon!

Unknown said...

We've all been in THAT rut! Oh , I feel like I'm in one today because I can't seem to move myself outside to hit the pavement. It's true though, even a bad run is better than no run. My sweatpants also think I look fantastic, but my bathing suit hasn't seen me this season (yet)! You'll get your mojo back soon!
Stopping by from the Spring Training Link up!
Lulu and Daisy

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