Friday, March 1, 2013

Just get it out

I don't even know if I'm ready to write about this but here goes...

This passing week was one for the books. The expression, "When it rains, it pours" comes to mind. And boy, did it pour- literally and figuratively. I'm embarrassed to say that I called my mom as per usual crying like a little baby. If I'm honest, looking back on the storm, it's actually pretty funny. Ridiculous, but typical. As a former military wife, I've learned to expect the worst when my husband leaves.

I like to think that I hold the fort down just fine while he's away and I actually do, but sometimes when I'm extra stressed, life throws extra little kinks my way. I was just over it. Over the separation. Over doing everything myself- moving, parenting, life. I felt so so alone this week. My husband was only four hours away, but that didn't matter. What mattered to me was that I hadn't been with him much at all over the past two months.

J's new job required some extensive training so he has been gone so much. That is coming from an Army Wife who knows what it's like to be away from her spouse frequently. He'd sneak home for days at a time and that was nice, but very disrupting, too. You know how it is if you have a toddler. He was so confused. "Daddy? Daddy?" he would say when he woke up in the morning and J was gone again. It was sad.

I don't like living life alone. Sure, I had my two babies to keep me busy, but that brings so much stress on itself. I started living for bedtime again. Anyway, with the end in sight (J is coming home tonight!), I'm ready to laugh about what all spiraled out of control. After all, it was really quite stupid.

1. It stormed. Like crazy, windy, tornado weather. I'm terrified of tornadoes. There's no such "safe place" in our new home so I just spent much of one evening pretty worried. I woke up the next morning to...

2. our lawn chair in the lake/pond behind our house. I walked down to try to get it out and I couldn't reach it. "Oh well", I thought. "We'll just be the redneck neighbors who dry cloth diapers outside and occasionally chain their dog when it needs to pee who let their yard furniture float around in the water." Captain J could deal with it when he got home. Except I couldn't do that (more on this later).

3. One day, I was trying to sort through the massive collection of garbage accumulating in our garage. I snuck out when Cray K wasn't looking, but he soon discovered that I wasn't in the house and must be in the garage. In the midst of him trying to open the door to go outside, he managed to turn the lock instead. I tried to get back inside and there it was. Resistance. Knob wouldn't turn. My heart sank. My babies were inside. My phone was inside- I couldn't call a locksmith or the police. I was terrified for a minute as I frantically jiggled the door knob. Then I remembered that it was possible I had an extra key in my car which happened to be...unlocked! I'm so thankful that worked out the way it did, but I have learned my lesson. I hope.

4. Baby A picked this week to be so! angry! I mean, it was nothing like when K was a baby, but he definitely wasn't his normally chill little self. I think it had a lot to do with the antibiotic I was on upsetting his tummy. Poor babe. And poor mama! It's difficult when you have two children who need you constantly and there's never any relief. Props to the single parents out there. And to all you military wives who deal with deployments and children? I have no idea how you don't go completely insane.

5. I sat down with a cup of joe and guess what? I spilled it all over our wireless keyboard. I thought all was fine until I woke up the next morning to only half of it working properly. Things you might not know: a) "P" is actually in a lot of words b) the enter/return key is absolutely crucial This is why I haven't been blogging. It sounded more like a chore to try to copy and paste letters from the internet when I needed them so I opted to just not go there. Now, I'm typing from the new keyboard that arrived in the mail just moments ago. What can I say? I missed y'all.

6. So...where were we in the lawn chair fiasco? Ahh, yes. It was stuck out of reach behind my house. I decided the following morning to dig out my waders and go in after it. I found them hanging in the garage so I grabbed them and went out to get the chair. The chair was not there. It was on the other side of the body of water. Pretty far away. And remember I have two under two in my care. How was I going to get that stupid chair out of the water? Leave them inside? What about alligators? Snakes? Should I do it? My facebook friends encouraged me to get it so I went for it. Waders and all. I needed them. The water was up to my waist. On the long walk back to the house, a neighbor stopped me and I'm pretty sure made fun of my attire. Here, you can make fun, too-

7. Then THEN! The smoke alarms decided to start randomly sounding every hour. Then every 30 minutes. It was bananas...and awful. The boys were freaked out but Holly, the dog? She thought it was the end of the world. After the first noise, she followed me around at my feet, whining. Loud noises make me so stressed out. I can't explain it. I just want to shut them off immediately FOR THE LOVE! I couldn't figure out what was going on because I couldn't reach some of the alarms. After climbing on a desk and reaching up with my tippy toes, I finally get the darn cover off and see that it is hard wired. I couldn't take it anymore after hours of this so I took down all the alarms (we have 7!) and removed their batteries because they then started chirping. I placed them all in the garage and brought out my white flag and wine because I needed it. With renewed energy the following morning, I set out to buy all new batteries. Long story short, those didn't work. I've called the fire department (no help) and the realty company we rent from (also no help) and the alarms still are resting quietly in my garage. If I die in the next few days from a house fire, my family should know that it's time to sue the pants off the realtors.

That is all and it was enough. I was just spent. A bunch of little things got me...but we put on our tough faces and got through it. If you made it this far, you must really love me. Thanks for listening reading. I had to just get it out.


Jamie said...

Hang in there. Glad he's coming home tonight.

Andrea @ Love is... said...

Oh goodness! It was one of those weeks wasn't it?! At least you're able to look back & laugh a little. And thankfully your hubs will be home tonight!

ines said...

after reading this i recommend you to drink a glass of two of wine, cause you need and deserve it.
funny how crazy things happen when our spouses leave. its not that we need them, but the extra hand does help. im short, so when hubby deployed the everything above reach of me started to break. needless to say, housing knew me by first name :)
i hope things start looking up and i'm glad you are ready to laugh about all of that. its one for the books :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've had to go through all that on your own. You're a lot braver and stronger than you know because there's NO way I'd wade out into that pond. Threat of snakes and alligators? Nope! Not happening! Make sure the mister gives you the best massage ever when he gets back. You deserve it!

Brittany Sommer said...

Oh my goodness! It sounds like you really could have used that cup of joe :( Sorry you had such a rough week!

Karen said...

Wowza! What a week. Sending hugs your way! I still don't know how so many people can function without their spouses for long periods of time with small children. Good for you for surviving. Also threats if alligators would make me run screaming from that water lol.

Becca said...

Love this post :) We don't go insane because we have you to make us feel normal. Thanks for being so down-to-earth. Also, waders are so badass! :)

JG said...

Oh my gosh! What a time you've had! You are such a trooper!

Jen said...

Hang in there friend!!! :)

Niken said...

i can't imagine how hard it is to have to get through that all on your own. i wish i had something smart to say to cheer you up, but words fail me. i only can say, my thoughts are with you and you know, i'm 'here' if you need to talk :)

Angie said...

I hate it when all the crappy times happen at once! I hope things get better for you!

Jenny @ Creatively Blooming said...

Oh my goodness! Glad this week is coming to an end and your man is coming home. Here's to an easier time next week!

Kristin said...

Getting it out is good :)

I hope J is home all weekend!

Chantal said...

Wow! Everything happened! Hopefully next week is more tame.

Jenn said...

Wow that is one tough time of it. Glad you made it out on the other side in one piece.

Jenn said...

I am really surprised the realty company did nothing about the fire alarms. Maybe (after a glass or three of wine) you should call back and explain that if the house burns down, you don't care because you'll be safely out of town and have renters' insurance? That kinda sounds illegal (and threatening) but sometimes you gotta go crazy to get results. The one outside the kids' bedrooms started chirping one evening and the maintenance lady on the phone was all, "it's not an EMERGENCY so I'll see when I can get someone out there." And then I was all, "Oh it's gonna BE an emergency if I have to sit up with two crying kids all night while my husband is deployed and no one sleeps!" Dude was there in 20 minutes. Results, Mrs. K, results. ;)

And that Cray K! Too funny. Glad you had a spare key. Doesn't wanna be left out of the action. So so glad J is getting home and I hope you get some true time to yourself this weekend! You really deserve it.


WOW. That's a lot of events! I'm glad everything worked out though. A Navy wife told me a LONG time ago - ' what can go wrong WILL as soon as they walk out the door so spend your last two weeks being OVER prepared." i thought she was kidding but sadly I have a couple of my own stories like this too. Hang in there. And thank you for sharing - it's nice to see that someone else struggles with the whole 'spouse being gone' thing too. <3, Amy

Amber Nicole said...

I hate days like this/weeks like this/moments like this.
They're so stressful, so heartbreaking, so ridiculous and afterwards you just sit back kind of proud of yourself for making it through, kind of exhausted and find it a bit funny.

But overall, *hugs*

Kathryn B said...

Awwww! When it rains it pours huh? I know those feelings. I'm glad your hubby will be coming home! Hopefully one day you will be able to look back on this week and laugh, but I know in the midst of it, it isn't funny and you just want it to end.
Hugs to you!!!

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