Monday, March 25, 2013

Just so you're trackin'

"Just so you're trackin' "

Captain J says those words a lot. It's our little way of keeping up with each other and what we have going on/what is important to remember. Thus, I shall share some of those with you today. 

First of all, all the cool bloggers are making the big switch:

Follow on Bloglovin

Being a follower and all, I better do it too. Because Google Reader is calling it quits, I've been using BlogLovin' for keeping up with all of y'all. I kind of love it! I find that it's easier to use and more convenient. That being said, please please let me know if you're following me and I haven't followed back. I've seen a lot of new faces but I read so many blogs that I'm not sure if I have returned the favor. I blog to express myself and keep myself sane. Part of that is enjoying connections made with various blog pals. I like making new bloggy friends and I certainly am not ignoring you on purpose if I happened to not have followed back.

Also, just so you're trackin'...
I have the best bloggy pals ever. This past week I got two deliveries from people I've never actually met in person. I'm so blessed to call many of you friends. One sweet blogger sent me several cloth diapers thereby saving me from having to wash every single day. That, my friends, is awesome!

Another blogger does a weekly linkup that encourages bloggers to participate in acts of random kindness. She sent me a gift card that I finally cashed in for this--

The wrap, not the baby. You can't just pick up a jewel like that anywhere. He took nine long months to make. Anyway, I have been enjoying this wrap actually. We've battled the baby wearing trend so much with my boys. They didn't seem to like it much, no matter what carrier I tried. I found that A really likes the "adventurer" position. That's good because his head is a little lopsided. I noticed shortly before his three month appointment that the right side of his head was looking a little flat. When I asked the doctor about it, she confirmed that it was and we should start working to change that or he'd likely need to be fitted for a helmet soon. I felt so sad for not noticing sooner. Then I read a comment someone (who isn't even a parent, by the way) posted to someone else saying, "If you hold your baby at all then a misshapen head won't be a problem." I wanted to cry...and then I wanted to yell at her for saying something so ridiculous. Mean girl. Anyway, the doctor suggested we put Baby A on his side for sleeping and see how that goes. He is such a sweet soul and is adapting well to laying on his side. I thought it was helping, but now I think that may have been in my head. I don't know what else we can do, really. I'll keep you updated with his progress when I learn more at his 4 month appointment.

You should also know that a miracle occurred the other day:

I survived a shopping trip with both boys for...HOURS. It was amazing. They were both great and SAT IN THE STROLLER.  I mean, I didn't even recognize Cray K. It was weird...and glorious because I got in some much needed adult conversation with one of the girls in the mommy group I joined on FB.

Just so you're trackin', we also have started trying to get Cray K socialized. It's a big to do. He did really well at church the other day (and we found a church we like!). He acted like he might cry when we left snuck out and watched from a window, but he didn't and we got to enjoy 1.5 hours of a service sans children. It was great! I also signed us up for MyGym where I get to play with him and a bunch of other kids/parents in a structured class each week. He was very nervous, but he began to warm up after awhile and ended up crying because he didn't want to leave!

Oh, and just so you're trackin'- We got Comcast to send us a new device and now I can access my graduate work. I guess I'm really doing this again! Week one went well. I'd really like to get ahead one of these days, but here I sit- blogging and NOT doing homework. Some people never learn.

Just so you're trackin' : Amber has a huge giveaway going on. Up for grabs? Starbucks, PayPal, Forever 21, Target, and Amazon prizes. Sa-weet!

Happy Monday! What's new in your life?


Chantal said...

Penny was always a fighter when it comes to baby wearing... now she's a bit better, but only lasts like 30 minutes before she needs to move! I hope his head is ok! I was always worried about Penny... I dunno why. Some crazy notion, scare tactics, or whatever. ;)

Lisa C said...

Mac says, "just so you're tracking" at least once a day. I guess it's an Army thing?

Unknown said...

I wore Trey in the moby A LOT! But once he was a little stronger he went into a framed backpack. He would stay in it for hours! Even nap!

Unknown said...

I wore Trey in the moby A LOT! But once he was a little stronger he went into a framed backpack. He would stay in it for hours! Even nap!

Angi said...

Gosh I hope when I have kids they're cool with being worn! I really want to be able to keep the use of both my hands...haha.

I love getting stuff in the mail from other bloggers! Seriously, my blog friends are (mostly) cooler than my real-life friends. It's good, but kinda sad. Haha.

Angie said...

My daughter isn't a fan of being worn. She does end up lying on her play mat a lot because my oldest is so demanding. I am worried about a flat spot as well. Her 4 month appointment is in a few weeks. I hope his flat spot fixes itself! And how dare that woman say that about holding a baby all the time! You can tell she doesn't have kids.

I heard about MyGym the other day. I was thinking about going there if we end up in Jacksonville.

Susannah said...

Cloth diapers!?!? What a wonderful gift! :-)

Becca said...

Oh yaaay you got them! I am so thrilled! Hope they all work out okay. Have decided that cloth diapering prepares you well for potty training, haha. Without going in to detail, you will see when the time comes :)

A couple of cute little peas you have there! I can't believe that K is so big. Glad you found a church that you like, too! Hopefully you will meet some good folk there& put down some roots.

Jen said...

Haha Kyle always says that!!! LOL!

Jen said...

I am following you on Bloglovin' and I have my new blog on Bloglovin' too:


Angie said...

What sweet blogger friends you have. Such kind gestures
Sorry to hear about Little Man's head being a bit misshapen. Hopefully it will be a quick fix. Praying for you all.
We are trying to get our Ax socialized too. We have been doing Story Time at our library and then a playgroup afterwards. I wish we had one of those Gym Classes around here :)

Kace said...

That's a pipe dream for me. A might fall asleep in something like that...but K never would have.

Whitney M. said...

Hi! My name is Whitney and I blog over at You commented on one of my posts a few weeks back and for some reason my comment system marked you as spam and I just now found you. Your blog is adorable and I have definetly added you to my bloglovin! Hope you have a great Easter!

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