Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Sillies

Sure, I've been known to not hit spellcheck before I publish here, but I'm going to be the pot and call the kettle black today. Grammar problems on my facebook feed send me into a tizzy. Like, I want to immediately delete someone who types out "I done..." or "I seen..." It makes me feel all nervous and icky inside. WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?!
Then, then...
I discovered Buzzfeed.
And now I have a whole new appreciation for ridiculousness on the Internet. For example:
This one killed me. LOL

This one had me shaking my head. Oh, the irony.

And this made me sad for science.
And this made me think of a dear friend and a hilariously memorable tennis match. 

But that's a story for a different day.

Have I ever tweeted or updated my FB status to something you found absolutely ridiculous? Go ahead, call me out on it! I do recall a trip to the beach with my friends....

While driving on this road trip with two of my gal pals, I hear one laughing in the back seat of the car. "Did you know your status says you're going to see a man about a horse? Did you update that?!" Confused I replied "yeah, so?" After all, I didn't want many people to know we were driving to the beach and I would be away from my condo.

"Oh my gosh (insert guffaws), THAT IS NOT WHAT THAT MEANS!" (even though it is)
Little did I know that most of my facebook friends associate that phrase with having to do #2.
Oh, the embarrassment.
I really was just going on a secret road trip, y'all.


Lisa C said...

I enjoyed the pic on the celeb look-alike site that compares the drummer for Nirvana (Dave Grohl) to the lead singer for the Foo Fighters (also, Dave Grohl). I think they would look alike considering it's the same guy. Idiots.

Karen said...

I know I'm guilty of not always checking for spelling and grammar errors - especially when I post from my iPhone (silly autocorrect), but sometimes it does just kill me when certain things get posted lol. A peddle stool - never sat on one of those lol.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I definitely have had my share of bad spelling and grammar...but wow those are beyond "Oops typo" or "Damn you auto correct" status!

Amber Nicole said...

I just LOL'd SO SO much about the Kurt Cobain one.

Jen said...

Kurt Cobain?! Haha wow...some people are clueless. :)

Kate @ Daffodils said...

O my gosh, hilarious!

Chantal said...

Yeah that's #2 :P

I love BuzzFeed. Hours of entertainment. I'll get off my peddle stool now before I have a Caesar.

Angie said...

Oh my...those are bad. I love the peddle stool. Classic! I feel the same way about grammar. I understand people will be in a hurry and not check, but when I see someone using the wrong "your" or "there" several times in one paragraph it makes me angry.

Fran said...

I know I never check my blog grammar but feel the same about Facebook grammar, makes me cringe and throw up a little in my mouth sometimes haha

I love BuzzFeed, endless hours of entertainment.

Jenn said...

Hahahaha I would not have thought that you were going to do that! I just would have thought that you had something to do but didn't want to say what it was.

I don't remember anything you have said but something I said. The beach trip "do you want to pick up a pie for dinner?" springs to mind.

AlanaMarie said...

I am the same way, I have a family member that constantly uses intel instead of until, drives me bananas. I am sure I am guilty of grammar messups too, but I'll never admit it ;)

Caitlin Cavallaro said...

As a writing teacher, grammar ESPECIALLY bugs me! Same thing with no capitalization or punctuation and abbreviations (especially on FB!) I could talk for hours about it ;) I can't wait to visit that website! (Love the one about the sun not being a star!)

JG said...

....I watch old movies, so the horse thing...yeah I knew I that. I'm such a nerd :p

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