Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's that time again!

If you don't know about the blog carnival hosted by Our Imperfect Life, click the following link to check it out: Thank You Thursday

Without further ado, I'll continue on with my Thank Yous for the week-

1. Thank You to my readers. I've recieved so many comments, emails, etc. that encourage me to keep blogging away. My little network has grown and that makes me happy, so thanks a bunch!

2. Thank You to my dear, Drifter, who performed marvelously last night in obedience class. I was so proud of him! He didn't bark as much...progress! In addition to that, he did the best in our challenge task. Of course, he didn't win because he's still a holy terror, but that's ok. Mama was proud!

3. Thank You to those of you who lovingly rubbed it in that you were experiencing breezy, sunny 60 degree weather earlier this week. I really appreciate it. (Psyche!) No, seriously, I'm happy for you...NOT.

4. Thank You to my husband for comforting me instead of looking at me like I was crazy when I was upset about missing all my people back home. It was refreshing and boy does he know me well...He poured me a glass of wine and even though we had lost a lot of water earlier in the week due to the broken tank fiasco, he watched the dog while I took a long, hot bath.

Which brings me to my next point-

5. Thank You to our plumber. ..I won't mention any names, but you were sooo personable. I really liked how your eyes almost rolled out of your head when I met you at the door. Thanks also, for looking completely annoyed each time we had questions for you. Oh, and best of're so timely! (Note the sarcasm)

6. Thank You, God, for each one of these precious moments during the past week...



TheBookworm said...

I love your entry, Kacy! Thank you for participating!

And those photos are adorable!

Fuegita said...

Your dog is sooooo adorable.

kacysue said...

Thanks :)

Krystal said...

Thanks for the comment love on my site! :) I'm adding you to my reader! Happy weekend!

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