Friday, March 12, 2010

Valdez or bust!

After a six hour drive, give or take, we've arrived in Valdez, Alaska. We're covered in white stuff, but not because of the snow. Drifter is shedding so that made riding with him an allergy sufferers worst nightmare. He was all over the place, sniffing his new friend, Josh in the face and whining to be closer to the boys sitting up front(Captain J's buddy joined us in our travels this weekend). Finally, he settled down though and I settled in for a long car ride with Palin's book, Going Rogue, in hand.

The majority of the trip was uneventful, but somehow I managed to lose iphone number two to the rough terrain of the Last Frontier. Crap. Here's what I believe to be true: I wanted to make sure my dear son, Drifter, was taken care of so while Josh and J got out to snap some photos of which I'm sure will be of excellent quality, I took the dog for a walk so he could relieve himself. As I was getting the monster five month old back in his seat, I heard something fall. I looked around in the snow and thought, 'Surely I would see something sticking out of the pristine, white snow if something had indeed fallen out.' I didn't think much about it until I reached for my phone to take a picture of the breathtaking mountains we were driving by. In other words, I noticed my phone was gone about an hour and a half too late. I had placed the darn thing in a boot for safe keeping. See how that worked out for me?

Oh well, such is life. At least I have a new adventure to tell about. Valdez is new to us so we're very glad to be here. The snow is so deep. Some of the road signs barely stick out of the snow drifts and there were places along the road that reminded me of how I pictured a white out. It was surreal, really. Anyway, I'll keep you updated!


Snow Bunny, aka- Mrs. K


Behold « Mrs. K and Captain J said...

[...] that trip to Valdez we took back in March? You know, the one where I lost my iphone in the snowy drifts of an Alaskan [...]

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