We found out later that our little man screamed the.entire.time.
Bless his heart. (More on this later)
Anyway, what movie did we see you might ask? Well, Breaking Dawn, of course! It pained me to have to wait so long to see it, but that's how it goes when you've got a child. I couldn't go gallivanting off to the midnight premier like we did with Harry Potter. I must say, I felt just fine seeing it at 4ish in the afternoon. I must be getting old.
The movie was pretty good. The first part was too lovey-dovey-pukey for my likin', but it got better as the movie progressed. I love where they ended it! The books will always have my allegiance, though--much better than the movies as per usual.
Look! I got my picture made with Edward!
And I'll quit talking about the Twilight series now because I know many of you do not give a hoot about my thoughts on the matter.
Let's talk of K Baby, shall we? I told you he screamed all night while his Lolly and Pop watched him. Unfortunately, this is nothing new. Sure, he has good days, but most of them are bad for him. He screams out in pain. He cries. He fusses. But sometimes he is completely inconsolable. :'( It breaks my heart.
Today I went to PWOC and the ladies in my small group witnessed first-hand what the doctors were calling colic. They assured me that it wasn't colic- that it was a scream of pain. We ended up taking Baby K back to the doctor (4th time!) and finally got a different answer, along with some medication. I really hope it works. Remember those guilt notes I talked about? Go ahead and tack on feeling bad about not standing up for him more when I knew something was wrong. I just accepted their answer of colic and let him cry. :(
I'm hoping his reflux is remedied by the medicine now. We should see a difference in a couple of days.
That's all I've got for ya. I'm exhausted!
Next time I post, I'll be back with the winners of my latest giveaway!
Love you, mean it.
-Mrs. K