Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Maybe you didn't know...

You all know my rule: Never acknowledge when K has a good day in writing because it will backfire. Well, I'm going to break it (again) and I'll surely pay later. Yesterday was a good day for him and although he woke up twice last night, Mama and Baby woke up pretty refreshed this a.m. and ready to go to PWOC. I was nervous. It would be the first time I would leave Baby K in watchcare. It would also be the first time I left him in the hands of someone other than family. And by saying "left him", I really just mean the opposite side of the chapel ;)

He did so much better than I thought. I was one proud Mama. They paged me to come get him after about 2.5 hours and I was pleasantly surprised he made it that long. Go Baby K! When I arrived, the other babes his age were sleeping soundly through his screaming. Ha. That's my boy!

He just missed his Mama. He calmed right down after I got him.

He's so sweet. I could just smell his little head forever.

But that's enough about my undying love.

I've been tagged in a cutesy little about me sesh by the lovely Jenna and I'm not one to diappoint. Without further ado, here are some things you may not have known about me...

11 Facts

  • I originally thought I wanted to be a pharmacist.

  • Then the college made me study plants and I said enough of this, yo.

  • Pasta is the reason I'm alive. We eat it far too much around here!

  • I only like to cook after the fact. If I didn't burn the house down and it actually tastes good, then it's safe for me to say that yes, indeed I like to cook.

  • I'm addicted to games with friends. Words, Scramble, Hanging, or Dice with Buddies- You name it, I'm playin' it. Look me up- I'm KSJD22.

  • I lied today in church (because I was required to in a game). I lost (i.e. I'm a terrible liar).

  • I can quote entire movies word for word (examples: Clueless, Wayne's World)

  • It's hard for me to come up with eleven interesting things about me. I must not be interesting.

  • My current socks are neon green.

  • I took piano lessons as a young whipper snapper.

  • Yesterday I stood on the scale and was apalled at the number until I realized that I was still holding the baby. :)

  • I typically listen to Christian music on the radio when given the choice.

11 Questions
1. What is the most expensive piece of makeup you have bought? Was it worth the money?

I bought Kat Von Dee's tattoo concealer (although I'm not tatted up) for my face. It was 30 bucks, I think and yes, it's worth it but I rarely use it.

2. What is your favorite book you have ever read? Too hard. Harry Potter has a special place in my heart, though.

3. If you could be on any reality show which would it be? Biggest Loser or the Amazing Race

4. If you could take any tv show off the air, which would it be? Jersey Shore probably. It's a train wreck that sucks you in...and I'm pretty sure it's ruining the world.

5. What is the nicest thing someone said to you recently that wasn't in your family? "He's yours? You don't look like you've had a baby!" And just like that- instant friends.

6. Which would you choose to have with you full time and why: personal chef, personal trainer, beauty team, or maid. Personal chef, duh.

7. What is the Best Disney movie of all time? The Little Mermaid

8. Complete the sentence. My perfect date night would be... one where hubby thoughfully planned out our evening and made me feel special.

9. Name 5 superficial things you couldn't live without. I don't think I have five. I really love and use my phone and all its apps entirely too much so probably that

10. What toy from your childhood would you most want your child to have? Hmm...a giga pet? Freakin' loved that thing.

11. If you could only have one lipstick, lip gloss, foundation, blush, bronzer, and eyeshadow palette to use for the rest of your life what would they be? I don't pay attention to all that stuff. I just use what my Mom buys me or passes down to me. Rarely do I ever buy makeup.

I'm not good at following the rules so I'm not going to post them or tag anyone. Rebel, I know. Instead comment with one completely random fact about you that you don't mind the whole world knowing. Please?

(P.S. - Sorry for all the bad grammar and punctuation. I'm not talking in full sentences today.)


ines said...

i'm also addicted to scramble, good to know i'm not alone :)

and "YAY!" on your baby doing well!!!

Jenn said...

The Biggest Loser??? You've GOT to be kidding. I don't know what you would lose. They'd be like, let me hold your baby while you step on the scale. Oh wow girl, first episode and it looks like you won! ;)

My confession (that's what we're sharing here, right?) is that after sending a text, I will constantly check my phone thinking I've missed the reply. It is a leeeetle bit crazy... ;)

And yay for the good sleep and childwatch success!!

Mrs. K said...

We will have to play together!

Mrs. K said...

I do that, too. LOL Even when I recognize that people probably don't expect me to write back immediately. It's a problem.

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