Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nursing to Formula

Again- Men, you may want to exit the building. I've got more breastfeeding issues to discuss. Which means, women...I'm talking to you today!

I think I've decided to quit breastfeeding. I switched K to soy based formula with cereal added a couple days ago and he has been doing really well with it. His tummy isn't as upset making him (dare I say it?) a little happier, too. He doesn't seem to be in pain as he usually is after feedings, either. I didn't completely quit breastfeeding. I've been pumping and saving during the day as well as nursing him at night. But after a bottle switch (thanks to Amber) and our recent success at feeding time, I'm down to breastfeeding only one time a day. I have mentioned before that I have a lot of milk so the process to getting down to a single feeding has been painful, but manageable.

But now, I don't know how to eliminate it or even if I really want to (cue solitary tear). I enjoy the bond that it has created between us, but I also don't want to continue to do something that is hurting him. Either he is allergic to my milk, which is rare, or he is allergic to something I'm eating and I have no way of locating what that is. With his half a year birthday right around the corner, he'll be trying out vegetables really soon. His reliance upon Mama's milk will decrease as he gets older. I guess it's time for us. We breastfed for almost 6 months so it will be difficult to say goodbye to that way of doing things. And I have a feeling it will be painful, too.

I'm allergic to sulfa so using cabbage leaves for engorgement is not an option for me. Have any of you heard of any other tricks of the trade to get milk to halt production? What was the weaning process like for you in terms of going from nursing to formula? Help! I've never done this before, ya know. :)


Melonie Tallman said...

If you are down to one feeding a day, you are through some of the worst of it. I didn't use anything except advil and a VERY TIGHT sports bra, which didn't leave my body for almost a week. Don't take warm showers (try baths if that is possible for you), because your milk can actually start streaming out while the water hits those areas. lol... It is a sad day when you stop breastfeeding, but you made it 6 whole months. That is something to be proud of! I hope this helps. Remember the pain will only last a few days and then it will go away but always keep an extra top handy because you can still leak for a while.

Karen said...

I was contemplating starting Nora on formula but I just can't bring myself to do it yet :( Good for you for being able to though. Since I haven't stopped yet, I don't have too much advice but I'll be reading what everyone else tells you to do :)

Bree Brock said...

I pumped milk for braxton until he was able to suck. Once able I breastfed when able to or he was willing to. I stopped when he was about 7 months and it was painful also. I wore a bra and sports bra. I also used ice packs to ease the pain and ibprofen. It was sad for me but even with the formula added he still wasn't getting enough nutrients for his little self being born so early. Brody I tried breastfeeding and he had no interest and I pumped without him wanting it it mad it even harder so I let my milk dry up not so hard my 2nd go around knowing what to expect. Hang in there, your doing an awesome job mommy. And just think of this time as a milestone for you and Baby K life. That's how I did it. Good Luck!

Keeko said...

I just wanted to let you know that Kylee developed an allergy to my breastmilk. Probably the sadest day of my life. To try honor was love the time of her being fussy was my fault. I found that a hot shower a couple times a day really helped me time relief some of the pain. Just remember it's better for the both of you in the long run.

Lindsey Hill-Maggard said...

I am dealing with this right now also, I breastfed Kelbi for 13 (long) months. Thankfully she self weaned which made my milk production stop after 3 weeks of no nursing. Like others said hot showers helped me and very tight sports bras. Good Luck!

jennifer m said...

I am also allergic to sulfa, but I was able to use the cabbage leaves..frozen worked well, your sister made tons of fun at me with my "salad" sticking out of my top. Can you use the cabbo cream made from the cabbage leaves?

Jenna said...

I don't have any kids as you know but I will say don't let anyone (and I mean anyone) make you feel bad for your decision. You are doing what is right for you and your family. Don't be afraid to tell them that if they get too over barring.

Jenn said...

I quit 6 months in as well. But Sam never latched, so I exclusively pumped from the beginning. I feel your pain, that decision is a hard one to make, and the boob pain is no joke. I used cabbage and Steve teased me (it really did stink lol) but it worked! Do cabbages contain sulfa? I am so clueless.... Way to go for starting the transition and I'm glad you found bottles that are working better. That is half the battle! Good luck! Praying for you!

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