Friday, January 6, 2012

Nursing Nowadays

All day long I yearn to write, but as soon as the baby gets to bed at night I only have enough energy to shovel in some food and fall asleep. It's no wonder I can't lose the rest of the baby weight. What little free time I do come across, I DON'T want to be working out or sitting in front of a computer screen. I think of things all throughout the day that I'd like to bring here, but I never do. Can pregnancy brain last forever? I might have that rare case. I'm still as scatterbrained as the day is long.

All I know is that I have the cutest baby that I've ever seen.

And I can't believe we have a use for a high chair already. My boy is growing up!

Since my mommy brain is full of mommy topics, I'm afraid that's what you get to hear about tonight. Fair warning, might want to exit the premisis for this post. I'm about to talk about breastfeeding.

I tried formula earlier this week. I wanted to take K Baby's reflux problem into my own hands and try to aid with his fussiness. Who knows if the latter was altered because Baby K is sick so he's a little fussy regardless. I don't know that it helped his reflux anyway. I DO know that he spits up less when given formula. Still, I can't justify spending the money AND losing the benefits of breast milk all because Mama is more comfortable not getting puked on every other minute or two. When he spits up now, it doesn't seem to bother him so I guess I'll just keep nursing him. I was surprised that he took to the formula without any problems. It was nice to have to feed him less because I didn't feel like I was living by the clock anymore. I have, however, spaced out his breast feedings to three hours instead of two now so I'm feeling a little more like a human being and a little less like the family cow.

We have also added rice cereal now. He does pretty good with it. I'm only giving it to him at night via a spoon. I wonder if I should add a morning feeding of it, too? And while I'm at it, where's the flippin' manual for this kid anyway? I could use one most days.

Let's get back to breastfeeding, though. I don't want to cause a stir or malicious bickering on the subject, but I would like to hear your thoughts on this:

The Target Nurse In

Did you all hear about this? Apparently a Texas woman needed to feed her child so she sat down in a low traffic area of the store and let her baby nurse. She claims that she was harrassed by Target employees and asked to relocate to a dressing room. You can read the rest by clicking the above link.

My opinion?

I'm back and forth on the matter.

Obviously, I support breast feeding a child especially when their screaming is influencing the gloriousness that is a Target shopping trip. The question becomes whether it should be allowed in public areas. I'm ALL about less government and I completely agree that this woman shouldn't have to answer to someone else as to when and where it's appropriate to feed her child. If a baby is hungry, you feed him (or her). It should probably be that simple, but it's not.

My personal preference is to use a cover if I have to feed in public, but I would prefer to avoid the scenario all together. Typically if I'm out shopping, I'll excuse myself to my car if Baby K needs to nurse. More often than that, I bring a bottle of expressed breast milk to tide my little man over while we're running errands. My feelings toward the matter have changed dramatically over the years and especially now that I'm actually a mother. I used to feel extremely uncomfortable when I saw someone feeding their little one, but I was young and the whole idea was foreign to me. As I got older, I began to entertain the idea of breastfeeding my children, but never in public spaces. Now, I feed K when he needs it using a cover if I must be around other people. My comfort level has changed and I recognize that. But I also recognize that it doesn't mean that everyone else's have changed, too. I know people are uncomfortable being around this very natural way of providing nutrients to young infants. Especially men. I see their looks even when they accidently walk by the car I'm in and see my cover (or the little feet peeking out of it). I see how creeped out people are. I get it. I used to be them.

But I have no problem with other ladies nursing in public. If you're that comfortable with your bod and your baby, go for it. I just can't do it. There's something in me that flips my lid every time Baby K even remotely tugs at whatever is covering him. I'm a little nutso. My nervous system goes all out of whack.


It's a Dog Tag Wife Life said...

Glad to hear that he is doing better. I wrote a post on this just last week and the opinions are very polarizing. As someone who has never breastfed, it can make me a bit uncomfortable to see a woman completely out there with everything out for the world to see. I understand that it doesn't bother them, and more power to them. Most of my friends cover and that has never bothered me, even knowing what they're doing. When I have my own kids, I'll probably be like you (although who knows, I may change my mind).

Julie said...

Honestly I think if women just covered up a little more and people were a little less annoyed by just the act of it, we would all get along much better. I guess I just don't understand why women want just anyone to see their boob. I never felt comfortable with that so I always tried to have a cover, blanket or something with me. On the other hand I don't think people should get upset if someone is feeding their baby in a public place while covered. Babies need to eat and sometimes it just doesn't work out to go somewhere more private.

As for the nurse-ins. I guess I see what they are trying to do but I am not sure that is the best way to get the message across.

Mama M. said...

Unsolicited advice warning!! Let your babe lead your feedings. I promise
you, he will not starve if you let HIM (rather than the clock) tell you when he's hungry. He could be spitting up so much because he's eating too much. Also, do you seem to have a forceful letdown? Does he cough and choke and sputter when your milk lets down? If so, try feeding him in a recliner, so he's working against gravity to get milk. Or, let him nurse until your milk lets down, then unlatch him (he'll be po'ed!!) and wait for your let down to stop, then let him start nursing again. I used to be a lactation consultant and LOVE to talk breastfeeding, so if you want to chat some more, let me know! And good luck...spitty babies are stinky. ;)

Kristin harmon said...

Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing. That's why god gave you breasts-
To nurse your child. In my opinion I would rather see a mom nursing rather than a slutty have nude lady on the cover of a magazine. Why don't people get their Emotions worked up on that? It's ok to expose a breast as a sexual act, but not ok to cover up and feed my child? It makes me so
Mad!! Ahhh. I was that mom who whipped it out whenever need be-
I was always covered up- and when people stared I would always smile wave and say hi. Haha I guess I'm one to make them more unfortable. :) I breasted my first for 15 months - even
Pumped and dumped for a week bc I
Has surgery and was on pain mess that crosses into the milk. All the nurses were like- good god just stop... And I couldn't I loved that bond. I loved the fact I am producing and giving my child nourishment. Baby number to made it 9 mo then I had to supplement and we needed our nursing at 13 mo. Number three lasted a year. I would total go to support a nurse in!! Breast feeding boobies rock!! :)

Kristin harmon said...

Ahhh iPhone makes it
Hard to
Comment- lots of typos. Sorry

Nicki said...

I guess I never really thought (nor cared) about who might be uncomfortable if I am nursing in public. Of course, I'm not one to whip it out wherever, but if I'm covered, what's the big deal? My little LC would rather starve than drink milk from a bottle (trust me, we've tried THEM ALL!), so nursing in public is my only option unless I want to stay in the house all the time. I was much more reserved with my first, but now, you'll see me proudly breastfeeding at church, at restaurants, on a park bench, in a Target (lol) and anywhere else we might be when he gets hungry. It's such a natural thing, so why should we hide it? :)

Mrs. K said...

Yeah, the nurse-ins don't seem to be very effective in my opinion.

Mrs. K said...

Thanks for your input. It's nice to see someone who isn't a mom yet respond. Sounds like we have similar beliefs on the matter. Enjoyed your post, by the way!

Aubree said...

So happy to hear things are going better for yall!! It's so funny you wrote about this today! I was just having this same conversation with my mom this evening as I was nursing at the mall. I feel super uncomfortable nursing around people, random strangers I mean. Personally, I cover myself for me, not for the other people. I get embarrassed if I'm flashing myself all around in front of people I don't even know. I usually do like you mentioned & make my way to the car unless Brandt is STARVING and I find the closest low traffic place possible & cover up. However, it is quite humorous to watch people walk by and notice that I am nursing, blush, and walk as fast as possible away. It makes me giggle!

Mrs. K said...

Thank you for the reply. Emailing you now!

Mrs. K said...

You make a good point. It seems so ridiculous when I think about it now. You're absolutely right. People should get worked up about sexually suggestive media more so than a woman trying to feed her little one. Thanks for your input.

Mrs. K said...

Bless you, Nicki! It must be so difficult to not have the bottle option.

Mrs. K said...

It is kinda funny because you can just see that they feel awkward for staring into the car in the first place! I hope you're enjoying Georgia :)

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