Monday, January 9, 2012

A Review: Lies of Mercy-Lies of Grace

One of my resolutions (every year) is to read more. I love to read, but when given the opportunity, I usually sit down at the computer instead. I don't know why. Anyway, I've read three almost four books already this year! Some I've been enjoying on my new Kindle Fire and some I've been reading the old fashioned way ;)

Regardless how these stories are presented to me, I'm enjoying each one for different reasons.

I finished Lies of Mercy-Lies of Grace recently and wanted to provide you with a short review in case you wanted to check it out. Carol Jo Pettit, the author, grew up in South Florida during the Pre-Castro days of the 1950's. The book tells the tales of a Pennsylvania Dutch girl growing up in Miami. I thought the book was delightfully funny. Her words are crafted in a way that just makes you smile. The stories she tells from the point of view of young Mercy Grace Malone have a childlike innocence to them that makes even the smallest events seem humorous. The characters are quite quirky, too. That alone always makes me want to read more so that I can try to get a ballpark idea of who that person is. Mercy describes herself by saying, "I'm half Irish and half Pennsylvania Dutch, which, of course, is really just German." The two unlikely paths her parents forged created an interesting home life for Mercy and her two siblings. The book gives glimpses of what Florida was like back in the day through the eyes of a child. I laughed as Mercy struggled to win a spelling bee because of the accents of her parents. I pondered on the story behind her mysterious Uncle John. I related to the weird neighbor, Bob, as he confused every day people with celebrities.

The book is cute, funny, and well-written.

As a new mom, I appreciated the short chapters that read like short stories so I could pick up and leave off every few minutes since Baby K keeps me so busy! The short stories are perfectly blended into a story that I fell in love with! Here's the information printed on the back of the book so that you can see if it is something you'd like to check out:
"Follow Mercy Grace Malone as she attempts to reconcile her conservative home life with the tropical paradise of South Florida in the 1950's. And meet Mercy's memorable friends and relatives who help teach her that "most of the time, only the truth matters, but sometimes it's more important to spare someone from hurt, or to offer hope and support." In other words-sometimes we need to tell "Lies of Mercy and Lies of Grace."

You can reach the author and order a copy by clicking here. She'll sign it for ya, too! The book can also be found on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble.

Mrs. K and Captain J

A portion of her proceeds go to cleaning and maintaining Gulf Coast Beaches!

I would definitely recommend this book to a friend (that's you)!

(Note: I received this book free of charge in exchange for a review. The above content is my own opinion and I was in no way pressured to present a good review.)


Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Hello! I wanted to pop over when I saw your feature at Handling with Grace from Ann Marie's site. We just moved from Fort Polk about 6 months ago, after being stationed there for 3 (long) years (lol). Nice to 'meet' you! :)

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